Saturday, July 5, 2008



Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts:

For each company code, you need to specify which chart of accounts is to be used. Several company codes can use the same chart of accounts.

SPRO -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting -> GL Accounts Master records -> preparations -> Assign Company code to chart of Accounts


Company code Operating Chart of Accounts Country Spe Chart of Accounts



Press Ctrl + S to save it

Define Accounting Group

When creating a G/L account. You must specify an account group

The account group determines:

  • The interval in which the account number must be
  • Which fields are required and optional entries when creating and changing master records
  • Which fields are suppresses when creating and changing master data.

It enables to control the layout of screens.

You use account groups to combine accounts according to the above criteria (for example, P&L account group, asset account group and material account group).


Account groups for G/L accounts are based on the chart of accounts.

SPRO -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting -> GL Accounts Master Records -> Preparations -> Define Account Group TC-OBD4

Press New Entries

Chrt if A/cs Acc Grp Description From Number To


COCA SHCP Share Capital 100000 100099

Ac Grp Description Number Range Number Range Number Range


SHCP Share capital 100000-100099 10000-10099 1000-1099

RSSP Reserves & Surplus 100100-100199 10100-10199 1100-1099

ACDP Accumulated

Depreciation 100200-100299 10200-10299 1200-1299

SCLN Secured Loans 100300-100399 10300-10399 1300-1399

USLN Unsecured Loans 100400-100499 10400-10499 1400-1499

CLPR Curr Liabilities & Prov 100500-100599 10500-10599 1500-1599

FAST Fixed Assets 200000-200099 20000-20099 2000-2099

CAST Current Assets 200100-200199 20100-20199 2100-2199

LNAD Loans Advances 200200-200299 20200-20299 2200-2299

SALE Sales 300000-300099 30000-30099 3000-3099

OTHR Other Incomes 300100-300199 30100-30199 3100-3199

IDST Ist/Dec in stocks 300200-300299 30200-30299 3200-3299

RMCS Raw Material Cons 400000-400099 40000-40099 4000-4099

PRSN Personal Expenses 400100-400199 40100-40199 4100-4199

MFGN Manufacturing Exp 400200-400299 40200-40299 4200-4299

ADMN Administrative Exp 400300-400399 40300-40399 4300-4399

INTR Interest Expenses 400400-400499 40400-40499 4400-4499

DEPR Depreciation 400500-400599 40500-40599 4500-4599

Define Retained Earnings Account:

You assign a retained earnings account to each P&L account by specifying a P&L statement account type in the chart of accounts area of each P&L account.

At the end of fiscal year, the system carries forward the balance of the of the P&L account to the retained earnings account. You can define one or more P&L statement account types per chart of accounts and assign then to retained earnings account.

Your specification depends on the chart of accounts.

SPRO -> Financial Accounting - > General Ledger Accounting -> GL Accounts

Master Records -> Preparations -> Define Account Group TC –OB53

System define Transaction for Balance Carry forward BIL

Specify Chart Accounts P & L Statement G/L Account

COCA X 100100

SOCA X 100100

TGCA X 10100

TCCA X 1100

Ignore the warning message and enter Ctrl + S to save it.



Currency Settings:

Check exchange rate types

Exchange for different purposes for the same date are defined in the system as exchange rate types (you cannot delete existing entries).

If you need to carry out currency translations between a number of different currencies, you can simplify exchange rate maintenance by entering a abase currency for the exchange rate type. Instead of entering translation rates between every single currency, you then only need specify the translation rate between each currency and the base currency. All currency translations then take place in two steps into the base currency and from the base currency into the target currency.

You can define different exchange rates for each currency pair. You then differentiate between these exchange rates using the exchange rate type.

You need different exchange rates for the following purposes, for example:

- Valuation

- Conversion

- Translation

- Planning


The base currency is INR. You want to translate SGD to USD. To do this, the following entries must be made in the table for maintaining currency translation rates:

  • Ratio for SGD INR
  • Ratio for SGD INR

Translation from SGD to USD is then carried out automatically. The translation is done as through this exchange rate (SGD -> USD) was actually entered in the conversion table. In this example, the base currency (INR) is the To-currency and SGD or USD the from-currency.

SPRO General Setting’s currencies Check exchange rate types TC-OB07


The following exchange rate types exist:

G—Buying rate

B—Bank selling rate

M—Average rate

Define translation ratios for currency translation

In this activity, you enter the translation ratios for currency translation. You enter these ratios for each exchange rate type and currency pair. You also specify whether you want to use an alternative exchange rate type for specific currency pairs.


As of 01/04/2005 the exchange rate for INR to USD will be calculated.

SPRO General Settings currencies Define translation ratios for currency translation TC-OBBS

Press New Entries:

ExRt. Type From To Valid from Ratio (From) Ratio (to)

M USD INR 01.04.2005 1 1

Save it

Enter exchange rates

Exchange are required to:

  • Translate foreign currency amounts when posting or clearing or to check an exchange rate entered manually.
  • Determine the gain and loss from exchange rate differences.
  • Evaluate open items in foreign currency and the foreign currency balance sheet accounts.


The system uses the type M exchange rates for foreign currency translation when posting and clearing documents in the activity Enter Exchange Rates. An entry must exist in the system for this exchange rate types. The exchange rates apply to all company codes.

SPRO General Settings currencies Enter Exchange Rates TC – OB07

Press New Entries

ExRt. Type Valid From Ratio (From) From Dir Quot. Ratio (To) To

M 01.04.2005 1 USD 46 1 INR


Maintain exchange rate Spreads:

In this activity you can derive the bank buying rate and/or bank selling rate using the

Average rate and the spread. By spread, we mean the difference between the average and buying rates or between average and selling rates.

You convert to the buying or selling rate by first determining the average rate, then adding or subtracting the spread from that average rate.


If the average rate between USD->INR is 46 and the spread is1.00,the bank buying rate derived is 45 the bank selling rate derived is.47

SPRO->General Settings-> Currencies->Maintain exchange rate spreads

Press New Entries

To make the calculation you must make the following entries inn this step:

M (rate type) USD (From) INR (To) Valid From (1.2.2005) 1.00(spread)

Save it.

Posting Period Variant

Define variants for Open posting period:

In this activity you can define variants for open posting periods.

Standard settings:

In the standard setting a separate variant for posting periods is defined for every company code. The name of this variant is identical to the company code name. Every company code is allocated to this variant with the same name. Thus nothing has changed in the system yet. Every company code has its own variant. If you want to and can continue working on this basis (For example, if you manage with only a few company codes)

You do not have to make any changes in the configuration.

If how ever ,you want to use identical variants in several company codes, you must change the default settings as desired in the “activities” section.

SPRO->Financial Accounting->Financial Accounting Global settings->

Document->posting periods->Define Variants for Open Posting Periods


Press New Entries

Variant Name Description

TPPV Tata Posting Period variant Save it


Assign variant to Company Code

In this activity you make the specification that is necessary to be able to work in several company codes with the same variant for open posting periods. For this reason, you assign the same variant key to the company codes you want to group together.

SPRO->Financial Accounting-> financial Accounting Global Settings->

Document->Posting Periods-> Assign variants to company code TC----OBBP

Company Code Variant



Ctrl + S to save

Open and Close posting periods

In this activity you specify for each variant which posting periods are open for posting

Two intervals are available for doing this(Period 1 and period 2).For every interval enter a lower period limit, an upper period limit and the fiscal year.

You close periods by selecting the period specifications so that the periods to be closed are no longer contained.

You specify G/L account number for your specifications .You determines the posting periods allowed for the sub ledger accounts via the corresponding reconciliation accounts. To do this, you specify the sub ledger account type, such as D or K, and the corresponding reconciliation account.


There must be at least one entry for each variant .This entry must have + in column A;

The columns: From acct” and “To account” may not be filled. In the columns for the

Posting periods, you specify the periods which are to be opened for the variant. Via further entries you determine more especially which periods are to be opened for which accounts.

SPRO->Financial Accounting->Financial Accounting Global settings->

Document->Posting Periods->Open and close posting periods TC_OB52

Press New Entries

Variant Assignment From period 1 to period 1 From Period2 To period 2

TPPV + 1-2005 12-2006 13-2005 16-2005

Save it

about me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
B.Jyotiraditya,Head-Project,G-9 Prime It Solution,FICO Certified Consultant, has been working as Sr.Sap fico consultant and corporate trainer since 9years.Mr.Jyotiraditya also formed sap forum which is opened for all sap and non sap professionals to share their experience.
