Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Assets Configuration Steps

1. Copying Reference Chart of Depreciation / Depreciation Areas

IMG Menu Financial Accounting ® Asset accounting ® Organizational Structures ®

Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/ Depreciation Areas ® Copy

Reference Chart of Depreciation

Transaction Code EC08

SAP provides country-specific charts of depreciation with predefined depreciation areas (for

example, 0IN for India). These charts of depreciation are only references for customer charts of

depreciation and therefore cannot be used directly. When you create your own chart of

depreciation, you must copy a reference chart of depreciation.

When you create a chart of depreciation, the system copies all the depreciation areas from the

standard chart of depreciation that you use as a reference. You must delete the depreciation areas,

which you do not need from your chart of depreciation


22... SSSpppeeeccciiifffyyyiiinnnggg DDDeeessscccrrriiippptttiiiooonnn ooofff CCChhhaaarrrttt ooofff DDDeeeppprrreeeccciiiaaatttiiiooonnn

IMG Menu Financial Accounting ® Asset accounting ® Organizational Structures

® Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas ® Specify

Description of Chart of Depreciation

Transaction Code EC08

The purpose of this activity is to change the name of the chart of depreciation.


33... DDDeeefffiiinnniiinnnggg CCChhhaaarrrttt ooofff DDDeeeppprrreeeccciiiaaatttiiiooonnn///DDDeeeppprrreeeccciiiaaatttiiiooonnn AAArrreeeaaasss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting ® Asset accounting ® Valuation ® Depreciation Areas ®

Define Depreciation Areas ® Define Depreciation Areas




In this activity we will change the definition of the depreciation areas that were copied from the

standard depreciation plan, and add additional depreciation areas if required.

444... AAAssssssiiigggnnniiinnnggg IIInnnpppuuuttt TTTaaaxxx IIInnndddiiicccaaatttooorrr fffooorrr NNNooonnn---TTTaaaxxxaaabbbllleee AAAcccqqquuuiiisssiiitttiiiooonnnsss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Integration with the General

Ledger à Assign Input Tax Indicator for Non-Taxable Acquisitions

Transaction Code OBCL

In this step, you specify an input tax indicator (code) for each company code. The system then uses

this indicator when you post acquisitions that are not subject to tax, but which are posted to

accounts that are tax-relevant. An example of this kind of transaction in Asset Accounting is the

depreciation-posting run.

5. Assigning Chart of Depreciation to Company Code

IMG Menu Financial Accounting ® Asset accounting ® Organizational Structures ®

Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code

Transaction Code OAOB

In this step, you assign a chart of depreciation to each company code.

Assets Accounting

Document No.SNPFIIMG10012 Page 3 of 3

6. Specifying Account Determination

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Organizational Structures à

Asset Classes à Specify Account Determination

Transaction Code SPRO

The most important function of an asset class is to link asset master records to their respective

general ledger accounts in Financial Accounting. The account determination key creates this link in

each asset class. You can assign several asset classes to the same account determination key.

7. Defining Screen Layout for Asset Master Data

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Master Data à Screen Layout à

Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data à Create Screen Layout Rules

for Asset Master Record

Transaction Code SPRO

The asset master record in the SAP FI-AA System contains a large number of fields because it is used

for many different purposes. To make it easier to maintain master data, you can adapt the asset

master record to suit your own needs.

8. Specifying Number Assignment across Company Codes

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Organizational Structures à

Specify Number Assignment Across Company Codes

Transaction Code AO11

In the FI-AA System, the main asset number can be assigned on a cross-company code basis. This is

why you can specify, for each company code, which (different) company code is to be used for

number assignment.

9. Asset Number Ranges

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Organizational Structures à

Asset Classes à Define Number Range Interval

Transaction Code AS08

An asset number uniquely identifies an asset. It always consists of a main asset number and an asset

sub-number. Numbers can be assigned in the system externally or internally.

With external number assignment, the user is responsible for assigning the numbers. The system

displays only the defined number range interval and issues an error message if a number has already

been assigned. With internal number assignment, the system assigns numbers sequentially.

10. Defining Asset Classes

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Organizational Structures à

Asset Classes à Define Asset Classes

Transaction Code OAOA

From an accounting point of view, the asset class is the most important element for structuring fixed

assets. Each asset must be assigned to one asset class only. The asset class assigns the assets and

their business transactions to the appropriate general ledger accounts. Several asset classes can be

assigned to the same account. This makes it possible for fixed assets to be structured in more detail

at asset class level. Such detailed structuring is not necessary at general ledger account level. It is

also possible to define the screen layout, tab layout, and asset number assignment for each class.

11. Defining Depreciation Areas

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Valuation à Depreciation Areas

à Define Depreciation Areas à Define Depreciation Areas

Transaction Code OADB

You define your depreciation areas. You can change the definition of the depreciation areas taken over

from the standard chart of depreciation. You can also add additional depreciation areas

111222... DDDeeefffiiinnniiinnnggg AAArrreeeaaa TTTyyypppeee

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Valuation à Depreciation

Areas à Define Depreciation Areas à Specify Area Type

Transaction Code OADC

Depreciation areas are assigned to a type, which describes the primary purpose of the depreciation

area. When you create a chart of depreciation, the system copies this typing from the reference

chart of depreciation. For example, area 01 is assigned to the Book Depreciation type.

111333... SSSpppeeeccciiifffyyyiiinnnggg TTTrrraaannnsssfffeeerrr ooofff AAAPPPCCC VVVaaallluuueeesss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Valuation à Depreciation Areas

à Specify Transfer of APC Values

Transaction Code OABC

In this step, you define transfer rules for the acquisition values of depreciation areas. These transfer

rules ensure that certain depreciation areas manage identical acquisition values.

111444... SSSpppeeeccciiifffyyyiiinnnggg TTTrrraaannnsssfffeeerrr ooofff DDDeeeppprrreeeccciiiaaatttiiiooonnn TTTeeerrrmsss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Valuation à Depreciation Areas

à Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms

Transaction Code OABD

In this step, you define transfer rules for the depreciation terms. You cannot define any depreciation

terms in the asset master record for the depreciation areas to which the depreciation terms are

being transferred. This ensures that the value of the depreciation areas is reduced uniformly.

111555... SSSpppeeeccciiifffyyyiiinnnggg MMMaaaxxx... AAAmooouuunnnttt fffooorrr LLLooow---VVVaaallluuueee AAAsssssseeetttsss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Valuation à Amount

Specifications (Company Code/Depreciation Area) à Specify Max. Amount

for Low-Value Assets + Asset Classes à Specify Amount for Low Value Assets

Transaction Code OAYK

In this step, you can define the maximum amount for low-value assets (LVAs) for each company code

and depreciation area. The system checks the maximum amount during each acquisition posting,

provided that the corresponding LVA indicator is set in the relevant asset class.


11666... SSSpppeeeccciiifffyyyiiinnnggg LLLooow---VVVaaallluuueee AAAsssssseeettt CCClllaaasssssseeesss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Valuation à Amount

Specifications (Company Code/Depreciation Area) à Specify Max. Amount

for Low-Value Assets + Asset Classes à Specify LVA Asset Classes

Transaction Code OAY2

During every acquisition posting, the system checks the maximum low-value asset (LVA) amount,

providing that the appropriate LVA indicator is set in the asset class concerned.


177.. SSSpppeeeccciiifffyyyiiinnnggg RRRooouuunnndddiiinnnggg ooofff NNNeeettt BBBooooookkk VVVaaallluuueee aaannnddd///ooorrr DDDeeeppprrreeeccciiiaaatttiiiooonnn

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Valuation à Amount

Specifications (Company Code/Depreciation Area) à Specify Rounding of

Net Book Value and/or Depreciation

Transaction Code OAYO

You can specify how net book values at year-end, depreciation, and replacement values are to be

rounded. You make the specifications for each depreciation area and company code.

1188.. DDDeeefffiiinnniiinnnggg DDDeeeppprrreeeccciiiaaatttiiiooonnn AAArrreeeaaasss fffooorrr FFFooorrreeeiiigggnnn CCCuuurrrrrreeennnccciiieeesss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Valuation à Currencies à

Define Depreciation Areas for Foreign Currencies

Transaction Code OAYH

In Asset Accounting, you can manage depreciation areas in any currency. You can use the values

from these areas for consolidation and evaluation purposes.

1199.. SSSpppeeeccciiifffyyyiiinnnggg FFFiiinnnaaannnccciiiaaalll SSStttaaattteeemeeennnttt VVVeeerrrsssiiiooonnn fffooorrr AAAsssssseeettt RRReeepppooorrrtttsss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Integration with the General

Ledger à Specify Financial Statement Version for Asset Reports

Transaction Code OAYN

In this step, you determine for each depreciation area which financial statement version the system

is to use as a default. This default applies when the financial statement version is contained in the

sort version used for a given report.

2200.. SSSpppeeeccciiifffyyyiiinnnggg AAAccccccooouuunnnttt AAAssssssiiigggnnnmeeennnttt TTTyyypppeeesss fffooorrr AAAccccccooouuunnnttt AAAssssssiiigggnnnmeeennnttt OOObbbjjjeeeccctttsss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Integration with the General

Ledger à Additional Account Assignment Objects à Specify Account

Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects

Transaction Code ACSET

In this step, you assign account assignment types to the account assignment objects.

222111... DDDeeefffiiinnniiinnnggg ooorrr AAAssssssiiigggnnniiinnnggg FFFooorrrmsss fffooorrr HHHiiissstttooorrryyy

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Information System à Define or

Assign Forms à Assign Asset Class/History Sheet

Transaction Code OAAY

When the historical management function is active (Manage Historically indicator), you can print an

asset chart. The Manage Historically indicator has been set for all asset classes.

For each asset class, you can define a separate form for the asset history. The standard SAP form

FIAA_F001 has been assigned to the example asset classes.

2222.. Defining Screen Layout for Asset Master Data

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Master Data à Screen Layout à

Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data à Define Screen Layout for

Asset Master Data

Transaction Code SPRO

In order to meet the needs of its many functions, the asset master record contains a large number of

fields. To make master data maintenance nonetheless as simple and efficient as possible, the system

enables you to design the asset master record to best suit your needs.

2233.. DDDeeefffiiinnniiinnnggg SSScccrrreeeeeennn LLLaaayyyooouuuttt fffooorrr AAAsssssseeettt DDDeeeppprrreeeccciiiaaatttiiiooonnn AAArrreeeaaasss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Master Data à Screen Layout à

Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas

Transaction Code AO21

In this step, you define the screen layout control for the depreciation terms (depreciation key, useful

life, and so on) in the asset master record.


244.. SSSpppeeeccciiifffyyyiiinnnggg TTTaaabbb LLLaaayyyooouuuttt fffooorrr AAAsssssseeettt MMMaaasssttteeerrr RRReeecccooorrrddd

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Master Data à Screen Layout à

Specify Tab Layout for Asset Master Record à Define Tab Layout for Asset

Master Data

Transaction Code AOLA

Because of the large number of fields that it can contain, the asset master record is divided into

several tab pages. In this step, you define the layout of these tab pages.

You can specify which tab pages are displayed for each asset class (or if needed, by chart of

depreciation within the asset class). For each tab page, you can specify which field groups appear in

which positions on the tab page.

2255.. AAAssssssiiigggnnniiinnnggg TTTaaabbb LLLaaayyyooouuuttt tttooo AAAsssssseeettt CCClllaaassssss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Master Data à Screen Layout à

Specify Tab Layout for Asset Master Record à Assign Tab Layouts to Asset


Transaction Code AOLK

The Tab layout is assigned to Asset class according to user group.

222666... AAAuuuttthhhooorrriiizzzaaatttiiiooonnn fffooorrr AAAsssssseeettt VVViiieeew

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Preparing for Production Startup

à Authorization Management à Process Asset Views

Transaction Code SPRO

In addition to the standard R/3 authorization functions, the Asset Accounting component provides

the asset view, which offers additional authorization protection. The asset view authorization

object(A_A_VIEW) controls master data maintenance to a certain extent. You can use this object to

assign users limited views of asset data and asset values.

To create asset master records you need at least one asset view. You have to use standard view 1

(asset accounting) in order to be able to create complete asset master records.

All depreciation areas can be maintained with asset view 1 (asset accounting).

2277.. AAAssssssiiigggnnniiinnnggg GGG///LLL AAAccccccooouuunnntttsss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Integration with the General

Ledger à Assign G/L Accounts

Transaction Code AO90

You need to specify general ledger accounts – such as balance sheet accounts and depreciation

accounts to be able to post your asset figures to general ledger accounts.


288.. AAAllllllooowiiinnnggg DDDooownnn PPPaaayyymeeennnttt TTTrrraaannnsssaaaccctttiiiooonnn TTTyyypppeeesss iiinnn AAAsssssseeettt CCClllaaasssssseeesss

IMG Menu Financial Accounting à Asset Accounting à Transactions à Acquisitions à

Allow Down Payment Transaction Types in Asset Classes

Transaction Code OAYB

In this step, you determine the asset classes for which postings are to be allowed with the

transaction type groups for down payments.

Important Points

11.. Every asset has to be assigned to exactly one asset class. The asset class is used to assign the assets

(and their business transactions) to the correct general ledger accounts. Several asset classes can use

the same account assignment

2. The most important tasks of the asset classes are [1] the assignment of default values

when creating assets (particularly depreciation terms) [2] the grouping of assets for

reporting purposes. You define the asset classes in the system in a series of steps. The asset

class is structured in three parts: [1] Control parameters, [2] default values for general

master data. [3] Default values for depreciation terms in the chart of depreciation


3.. Base methods are valid in all charts of depreciation; all other methods are chart of account dependent.

Depreciation methods will be assigned to depreciation keys.

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
B.Jyotiraditya,Head-Project,G-9 Prime It Solution,FICO Certified Consultant, has been working as Sr.Sap fico consultant and corporate trainer since 9years.Mr.Jyotiraditya also formed sap forum which is opened for all sap and non sap professionals to share their experience.
