Controlling > General Controlling
SAP standard settings copied to HHML and changes made in respective areas, wherever mentioned.
1.1 Organization
Controlling > General Controlling > Organisation
Controlling Area "HHML" is assigned to "HHML" Company Code.
Defaults settings of number ranges are were copied to Controlling Area HHML.
1.1.1 Maintain Controlling Area
Controlling > General Controlling > Organisation > Maintain Controlling Area
The cost accounting system uses controlling area as an organizational unit. Controlling Area delimits the company’s managerial accounting operations. Organization structure is replicated in the controlling system. The company code and controlling area can use independent chart of accounts, currency & business area.
Cost centers, internal orders, product hierarchy and profit centers /profitability segments are used to classify the controlling area. All inter organizational allocations refers to objects within the same controlling area. Multiple Company Codes can get assigned to a Controlling Area.
“HHML” Controlling Area is above company code- HHML and this could enable assigning other associate companies in future to Controlling Area-HHML.
The following settings are made at HHML
Controlling area HHML (HHML Controlling Area)
Fiscal year 2000 to 9999
Modules active: -
Cost centers Component active
Order management Component active
Commitments mgt Component not active
Profitability Analysis Component active for both types of Profitability Analysis
Activity-Based Costing Component not active
Profit center Component not active
Projects Component not active
Sales Orders Component active
S. O. with Commitment mgmt Component not active
Cost objects Component active
Real estate mgmt Component not active
Indicator to activate calculation with variances is ACTIVE
1.1.2 Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Documents
Controlling > General Controlling > Organisation > Maintain Number Range
Number range object CO Document
Controlling area HHML
Number range interval: -
From number To number
0100000000 0199999999
0200000000 0299999999
0300000000 0399999999
0400000000 0499999999
The following transactions have been to the above number range:
Primary postings 0100000000 0199999999
COIN CO Through-postings from FI
KAZO Down payment
Planning transactions 0200000000 0299999999
CPPP ABC process assessment: plan
FIPA Payment scheduling
KAZP Plan cost center accrual
KOAP Plan settlement
KPIV Actual cost distrib. cost obj.
KPPB Standard cost estimate
KSII Actual price calculation
KSP0 Plan split costs
KSPB Plan assessment to CO-PA
KZPP Plan overhead (periodic)
KZRP Interest calculation (plan)
PAPL Profit Planning
RKP1 Planning primary costs
RKP2 Planning activities
RKP3 Planning secondary costs
RKP4 Planning stat. key figures
RKP5 Plan Revenue Types
RKP6 Planning activity-dep. Costs
RKP7 Planning act.-dep. sec. Costs
RKP8 Planning order costs
RKP9 Plan. act-dep.settlement costs
RKPB Periodic Reposting: Plan Data
RKPL Plan indirect activity alloc.
RKPQ Manual cost planning
RKPS Sec. planning with template
RKPU Plan overhead cost assessment
RKPV Plan overhead cost distrib.
RKPW Secondary order cost planning
RKPX Aty-dep. sec. order cost plan.
RKPZ Planning overhead credits
RKU1 Repost costs
RKU2 Repost revenue
RKU3 Repost CO line items
Actual postings (without primary postings) 0300000000 0399999999
CPPA ABC Actual process assessment
KAMV Manual cost allocation
KAZI Actual cost center accrual
KGPD Distribution acc. to peg
KKKP Control Costs (Primary)
KKKS Control Costs (Secondary)
KOAO Actual settlement
KSI0 Actual cost center split
KSOP Prim. Target Cost Calculation
KZPI Actual overhead (periodic)
KZRI Interest calculation (actual)
RKIB Actual Periodic Repostings
RKIL Actual inverse activity alloc.
RKIU Actual Overhead Assessment
RKIV Actual Overhead Distribution
RKL Actual activity allocation
RKLT Actual template allocation
RKN Actual non-alloc. activities
RRIB Seg. adjust.: Act.per.repost.
RRIU Segment adjust.: Act. Assess.
RRIV Segment adjust.: Act. distrib.
Other transactions 0400000000 0499999999
KABG Automat. WIP/results analysis
KABM Manual WIP/results analysis
KAFM Payment data
KAUS Calculate scrap
KEKB Unit costing
KEKZ Unit costing (overhead)
KFPI Transfer price allocation
KFPP Transfer price agreement
KPPZ Standard costing (overhead)
KSOS Sec. Target Cost Calculation
KSPA Assessment to CO-PA
KSWP Prim. Target Cost Calc. (WIP)
KSWS Sec. Target Cost Calc. (WIP)
KVAR Variance calculation
RXLX Predistribution of fixed costs
RKS Enter statistical key figures
1.1.3 Maintain Versions
Controlling > General Controlling > Organisation > Maintain Versions
Versions help to create independent data groupings in planning and in actual data, in planning, versions display alternative plan scenarios based on different planning assumptions. For example,
• the type of assumption for the forecast (optimistic, pessimistic)
• when the plan was created (original plan, updated forecast),
• how binding the plan is.
The data for the most likely version in planning normally appears in version 000. The plan data you enter here forms the basis for variance analysis.
General version definition: -
0 Plan/actual version Active
1 Plan version: change Active
Assigned Controlling Area: HHML
Assigned Operating Concern: HHML
Attributes: -
Currency type B0 (Operating concern currency)
Exchange rate type M (Standard translation at average rate)
Derivation date 01.01.2000
Assignment to Fiscal Years: -
Fiscal Year From 2000 to 2010
Controlling area HHML (HHML Controlling Area)
Version 0 (Plan/Act - Version)
Planning Copying allowed
Currency translation Ex.rt.type P (Standard translation)
Value date 01.04.2000
Price calculation Plan- 2 (Average Price)
Actual 3 (Cumulative Price)
Fiscal Year From 2000 to 2010
Controlling area HHML (HHML Controlling Area)
Version 1 (Plan version: change 1)
Planning Copying allowed
Currency translation Ex.rt.type P ( Standard translation )
Value date 01.04.2000
Price calculation Plan- 2 ( Average Price )
Actual 3 ( Cumulative Price)
1.2 Account Assignment Logic
Controlling > General Controlling > Account Assignment Logic
In HHML, Validation in CO-Module is used at line item level to validate User-ID and Cost Center maintained in a Z - table (ZQMTNAVALCC)
1.2.1 Define Validation
Controlling > General Controlling > Account Assignment Logic > Define Validation
In validation, the SAP System checks whether particular input values fulfil one or more of your user-defined conditions. These checks take place during the entry of values into the system. If the conditions are fulfilled, the input value is transferred into the system. If the conditions are not fulfilled, the SAP System displays a user-defined message.
Company Code : HHML
Validation : 0_CO_1 Validation for CO
Validation set at Line item to check User ID and Cost Center maintained in Z - table (ZQMTNAVALCC), for all transactions flowing to CO Module, other wise Error Message
" You are not authorised for cost center & "
Cost Element Accounting
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting
SAP standard settings
Various category of Cost Elements are created in the Master Data
Each posting of costs must be assigned to a cost element. The system differentiates between the following cost elements:
• Primary cost elements (equivalent to G/L Codes)
• Secondary cost elements (internal activities and cost allocation within your company).
The cost element type specifies the business transactions for which a cost element can be used.
The following primary cost elements are used in Cost Object Controlling:
• 01: These can be debited with all primary postings (such as FI, SD or MM). Accounting documents are generated for these postings.
• 22: These are required, for example, for settling order or project costs to CO-external objects. Examples of CO-external objects are fixed assets (AM), materials (MM), or G/L accounts (FI). Settlement generates an accounting document.
The primary cost elements are linked to G/L accounts in Financial Accounting.
The following secondary cost elements are used in Cost Object Controlling:
• 21: These are used for settling order or project costs to CO-internal objects. CO-internal objects could be orders, profitability segments, cost centers, and projects.
• 31: These are used for saving the data generated during WIP calculation or results analysis on the order or project.
• 41: These pass overhead costs from cost centers to orders, projects, and so forth.
• 43: These are used by the system in internal activity allocation to allocate costs.
The secondary cost elements are only used within the Controlling component.
Cost element groups
These group together similar cost elements. In Cost Object Controlling, the cost element groups are used to group together costs for settlement as well as for creating reports.
2.1 Master Data
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Master Data
Default settings made for cost centres.
2.1.1 Cost Elements
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Master Data > Cost Element
Manually activation for automatic creation of cost elements for G/L accounts done at HHML Automatic Creation of Primary and Secondary Cost Elements
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Master Data > Cost Element > Automatic creation
Created a batch input session to automatically create primary cost elements, which were created as G/L ( Profit and Loss ) Accounts in Financial Accounting. Make Default Settings
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Master Data > Cost Element > Automatic creation > Make Default Settings
All expenses G/L accounts were created as Cost elements with Cost Element Category '1'.And all income G/L accounts were created as Cost elements with Cost Element Category '11'. Create Batch Input Session
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Master Data > Cost Element > Automatic creation > Create Batch Input Session
Batch Session was created for one time master data creation of Primary Cost Elements:
Company Code: HHML
Chart of Accounts: HHML
Controlling Area: HHML
The Validity Period: 1st April 2000to31st Dec 9999 Execute Batch Input Session
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Master Data > Cost Element > Automatic creation > Execute Batch Input Session
Executed the batch input session and thereby generated cost elements. Create Cost Elements
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Master Data > Cost Element > Create Cost Element
Primary Cost Elements created through batch input session and Secondary Cost elements created manually as master data Create Cost Element Groups
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Master Data > Cost Element > Create Cost Element group
HHMLGROUP: Cost Element Group created: The following is the structure of the same This Cost Element Group was created functional and allocation of costs to various other cost centres
HHMLGROUP HHML Cost Element Group
CONS.IND Consumables (Indirect)
TOOLS Cutting Tools
POWERFUEL Power and Fuel
FACTEXP Factory Expenses
INSURANCE Insurance Expenses
DEPRECIAN Depreciation Cost
EXCH.FLUC Exchange Fluctuation
MART.EXP Marketing Expense
MKTG.SAL Marketing Salary
MKTG.SELG Marketing Selling Expense
SELLING Sales Promotion
ADVERTISE Advertisement
DIST.EXP Distribution Expenses
NONOPERN Expenses not related to Production
PROFITASST Profit on Sale of Asset
LOSSASSET Loss on Sale of Assets
DONATION Donations
DEFREVENUE Deferred Revenue Expenses
INTGEREST Interest and Financial Charges
TERMLOAN Interest on Term Loan
FINCHARGES Other Financial Charges
OTHERS Others Interest & Financial Charges
2.2 Reconciliation Ledger
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Reconciliation Ledger
Reconciliation Ledger is activated at HHML.
In case of assessment, distribution, order settlement and other CO transactions there can be a mismatch between FI CO business area wise financial results. If the company requires that cost of one business area in FI has to match with cost in the controlling area, the reconciliation ledger is activated. The FI-CO reconciliation transaction is to run every period end under the menu
Accounting Controlling Cost elements.
The G/L account used is OA10100400
with Document Type SU and Number Range 100000-199999
2.2.1 Activate Reconciliation Ledger
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Reconciliation Ledger > Activate Reconciliation Ledger
Reconciliation Ledger is activated for HHML
2.2.2 Maintain Adjustment Accounts for Reconciliation Posting
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Reconciliation Ledger > Maintain Adjustment account for Reconciliation Ledger
The following G/L account is used for Reconciliation
Chart of accounts HHML Hero Honda Motors Limited: Chart of Ac
Transaction CO1 CO - FI reconciliation posting
Debit Credit
OA10100400 OA10100400
2.2.3 Specify Document Number Range for Reconciliation Posting
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Reconciliation Ledger > Specify Document Number Range Reconciliation Ledger
Number range Object Rec. ledger document
CO area HHML
No From number To number Current number Ext
2.3 Information System
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Information System
SAP standard reports are being used at HHML
2.3.1 Maintain Cost Element Groups
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Information System > Maintain Cost Element Groups
Maintained earlier
2.3.2 Standard Reports
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Information System > Standard Reports
Standard Reports imported from source client '000' Import Standard Reports
Controlling > Cost Element Accounting > Information System > Standard Reports > Import Standard Reports
Imported SAP standard reports from client 000, online, to the client '100'. Generate Standard Reports
SAP standard reports that were imported, were also generated on client '100'.
Cost Center Accounting
Controlling > Cost Center Accounting
Default settings were used for HHML and changed wherever required.
Cost Center is an organizational unit within a controlling area that represents a separate location of cost incurrence. The definition can be based on functional requirements, allocation criteria, activities or services provided, physical location, and/or area of responsibility. Cost centers are combined into hierarchical decision, managerial, and responsibility groups. Cost center Accounting captures the overheads of the organisation.
The cost centers are attached to a Company Code, Business Area and a Profit Center. While creating a cost center hierarchy the business areas need to be kept in mind, which will facilitate reporting.
1.2 Activate Cost Center Accounting in Controlling Area
Controlling > Cost Center Accounting > Activate Cost Center Accounting
Cost Center Accounting ACTIVE in Controlling Area HHML
Controlling area HHML
Name HHML Controlling Area
CoCd->CO area 1 (Controlling Area same as Company Code)
Currency type 10 (Company code currency)
Currency INR (Indian Rupee)
Chart of accts HHML (Hero Honda Motors Limited: Chart of Accts)
Fiscal year variant V3 (April- March, 4 special periods)
Cost Center standard hierarchy HHML_CCH (HHML Standard Cost Center Hierarchy)
1.3 Master Data
Controlling > Cost Center Accounting > Master Data
Default settings were done to create master data for
• Cost Center
• Activity Type
• Statistical Key Figure
Through CATT
1.3.1 Cost Centers
Controlling > Cost Center Accounting > Master Data > Cost Center
Default settings were to create Cost Center Maintain Standard Hierarchy
Controlling > Cost Center Accounting > Master Data > Cost Center > Maintain Standard Hierarchy
Cost Center Hierarchy created: HHML_CCH
• Production
• Production Service
• Tool Room
• Civil
• Maintenance
• Utility
• Marketing
• Administration Maintain Cost Center Categories
Controlling > Cost Center Accounting > Master Data > Cost Center > Maintain Categories
SAP default Cost Center Category are used:
E Development
F Production
G Logistics
H Service cost center
L Management
M Material
S Social
V Sales
W Administration Define List Variants for Group Processing
V Controlling > Cost Center Accounting > Master Data > Cost Center > Define List Variant
SAP Standard is being used Create Cost Centers
Controlling > Cost Center Accounting > Master Data > Cost Center > Create Cost Center
Cost Center created with validity period from 1st April 2000 to 31st Dec 9999 Maintain Cost Center Groups
Controlling > Cost Center Accounting > Master Data > Cost Center > Maintain Cost Center Groups
HHML_CCH > HHML Standard Cost Center Hierarchy
ENGINE_PLT Engine Plant
ENG_PLT_D Engine Plant Dharuhera
ENG_PLT_G Engine Plant Gurgaon
FRAME_PLT Frame Plant
FRA_PLT_D Frame Plant Dharuhera
FRA_PLT_G Frame Plant Gurgaon
PRO_SERVIC Production Service
QUALITY_CO Quality Control
QUA_CON_D Quality Control Dharuhera
QUA_CON_G Quality Control Gurgaon
PPC Production Planning and Control
PPC_D Production Planning and Cont. Dharuhera
PPC_G Production Planning and Control Gurgaon
ENGINEERIN Engineering
ENGG_D Engineering Dharuhera
ENGG_G Engineering Gurgaon
MATR_D Materials Dharuhera
MATR_G Materials Gurgaon
MATR_HO Materials Head Office
STORES_D Stores Dharuhera
STORES_G Stores Gurgaon
R_AND_D_D R & D Dharuhera
R_AND_D_G R & D Gurgaon
TOOL_RM_D Tool Room Dharuhera
TOOL_RM_G Tool Room Gurgaon
MAINT Maintenance
MAIN_D Maintenance Dharuhera
MAIN_G Maintenance Gurgaon
UTILITY_D Utility Dharuhera
UTILITY_G Utility Gurgaon
CORP_MKTG Corporate Marketing
CORP_MKT_D Corporate Marketing Dharuhera
CORP_MKT_G Corporate Marketing Gurgaon
COR_MKT_HO Corporate Marketing Head Office
COR_MK_SPD Corporate Marketing Spares Dharuhera
COR_MK_SPG Corporate Marketing Gurgaon
ZONE_MKTG Zonal Marketing
ADMIN Administration
ADMIN_D Administration Dharuhera
ADMIN_G Administration Gurgaon
ADMIN_SPD Administration Spares Dharuhera
ADMIN_SPG Administration Spares Gurgaon
ADMIN_HO Administration Spares Head Office
SAP is one of the advance ERP softwares which has been providing the total business solution to the corporate world.The everincreasing demand of sap software in the business houses created the vacuum of SAPprofessional.We are striving to groom up a new breed of ERP professional by updating them with latest information.-B.JYOTIRADITYA,Sr.SAP FI/CO CONSULTANT
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Project based controlling training at amazing prices $300!!!!!!!!(offer is limted to one week only)
Hi Friends,
This is an opportunity for all finance and controlling consultants to sharpen the skill of pencil on controlling and chisel edges on smooth functioning of your introspective ideas and theories at unbelievable prices.i,e.$300.Preference will be given to earlier respondent.Please mail me to
With best regards,
This is an opportunity for all finance and controlling consultants to sharpen the skill of pencil on controlling and chisel edges on smooth functioning of your introspective ideas and theories at unbelievable prices.i,e.$300.Preference will be given to earlier respondent.Please mail me to
With best regards,
Saturday, March 19, 2011
ABAP/4 Trining program with live project
Trainer: Mr.Fedrick
He is having 7 project implementation experience in US as well as South east Asia.
Currently he has been working with one of the MNCs as project manager.
His specialization area is CROSS APPLICATION
Session 1.
• ERP Fundamentals.
• Why ERP?
• ERP implementation Strategies and
• Comparison of existing ERP Products.
• About SAP.
• Features and advantages of SAP.
• Technical Features of SAP.
Session 2.
• III tier architecture.
• SAP R/3 Architecture.
• Application server and work process
• Introduction to ABAP Workbench.
• Structure and composition of SAP
Session 3.
• Repository and Development class.
• Role of ABAP consultant in SAP
• FAQ’s and Documentation guidance.
• Login and Navigate SAP
• H/W and OS requirements
Session 4.
• Introduction to ABAP Programming
• Data Types and Data Objects.
• Data Types Classification.
• Elementary Data Types.
• Defining Data objects.
• Data Structures in ABAP.
§ Field Strings and Internal tables
Session 5.
• Using ‘Like’ operator
• User defined Data Types.
• Program Controls
§ IF structures
§ Case Structure
§ Loops
• System Fields
• Extensive Debugging Techniques for ABAP Program.
Session 6.
• Internal tables
Introduction and necessity of internal tables
Defining internal tables
Working with internal tables
Session 7.
• Processing on internal tables
§ Append
§ Insert
§ Modify
§ Sort
§ Read
§ Collect
§ Editor Call
§ Clear
§ Refresh
§ Free
§ Delete
Session 8.
• Further Adv.Concepts on Internal tables.
• Working with ABAP Dictionary.
• Overview of Dictionary objects.
• Creating Database tables.
Session 9.
• Relating database tables.
• Programming with database and Internal tables
• Using Open SQL Statements.
Session 10.
• Modularizing techniques
§ Macros
§ Include programs
§ Subroutines
§ Function modules
Session 11.
§ Defining and using Message Classes.
§ Exception handling in function modules
§ Overview of all the topics covered till date.
§ Intro & overview of reporting techniques.
Session 12.
§ About “Client” in SAP.
§ Creating a Development class.
§ About Work Bench / Transport Request.
§ Transport Management System in SAP.
§ SAP implementation thru ASAP methodology.
Session 13.
§ Custom Report Development.
§ Simple Reports.
§ Special Report Events.
Session 14.
§ Complex reports.
§ Additional Report Events.
Session 15.
§ Interactive reports.
§ Exercises and FAQ’s.
§ Creating Logical Databases.
§ Developing reports using logical databases.
Session 16.
§ Report Building Using SAP Queries.
§ Report Building using SAP List Viewers.
Session 17.
§ Introduction to Module Pool Programming.
§ Concept of SAP GUI screen development.
§ Working with Screen Painter.
§ Using components like:
Text field, I/O field, Push Buttons,
Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Box Frames,
Title Bar.
Session 18.
§ Working with Tab Strip Control.
§ Working with Table View Control.
Session 19.
§ Misc. Concepts of Screen Painter.
§ Working with Menu Painter.
Session 20.
§ Introduction to SAP script
§ Defining Form Layouts and Print programs.
Session 21.
§ Using Main Windows.
§ Working with standard Text objects.
§ SAP Script Graphics management.
§ Working with standard SAP Scripts.
§ Other related Misc. concepts.
Session 22.
§ Working with SMART FORMS.
Session 23.
§ Concept of Data Transfer operations in SAP.
§ Pre-conditions and Techniques of Data
§ Intro to Batch Data Communication methods.
§ Intro to LSMW.
§ Uploading Flat file data to SAP.
Session 24.
§ Data Transfer using Call Transaction
approach with Recording method.
Session 25.
§ Data Transfer using Session Input method.
§ Data Transfer using LSMW.
Session 26.
§ Enhancements.
§ Enhancement Points.
§ Types of Enhancements Points.
§ User exits.
Session 27.
Business Application Programming Interface (Bapi)
• About Bapi
• Why Bapi’s?
• Integration Using Bapi
• Remote Enabled Function Modules
Session 28.
• What Is Lsmw?
• Why Lsmw?
• Steps In Lsmw.
• Lsmw Methods
§ Recording Method
§ Direct Input Method
§ Using Idocs
§ Using BAPI’s
• ERP Fundamentals.
• Why ERP?
• ERP implementation Strategies and
• Comparison of existing ERP Products.
• About SAP.
• Features and advantages of SAP.
• Technical Features of SAP.
Session 2.
• III tier architecture.
• SAP R/3 Architecture.
• Application server and work process
• Introduction to ABAP Workbench.
• Structure and composition of SAP
Session 3.
• Repository and Development class.
• Role of ABAP consultant in SAP
• FAQ’s and Documentation guidance.
• Login and Navigate SAP
• H/W and OS requirements
Session 4.
• Introduction to ABAP Programming
• Data Types and Data Objects.
• Data Types Classification.
• Elementary Data Types.
• Defining Data objects.
• Data Structures in ABAP.
§ Field Strings and Internal tables
Session 5.
• Using ‘Like’ operator
• User defined Data Types.
• Program Controls
§ IF structures
§ Case Structure
§ Loops
• System Fields
• Extensive Debugging Techniques for ABAP Program.
Session 6.
• Internal tables
Introduction and necessity of internal tables
Defining internal tables
Working with internal tables
Session 7.
• Processing on internal tables
§ Append
§ Insert
§ Modify
§ Sort
§ Read
§ Collect
§ Editor Call
§ Clear
§ Refresh
§ Free
§ Delete
Session 8.
• Further Adv.Concepts on Internal tables.
• Working with ABAP Dictionary.
• Overview of Dictionary objects.
• Creating Database tables.
Session 9.
• Relating database tables.
• Programming with database and Internal tables
• Using Open SQL Statements.
Session 10.
• Modularizing techniques
§ Macros
§ Include programs
§ Subroutines
§ Function modules
Session 11.
§ Defining and using Message Classes.
§ Exception handling in function modules
§ Overview of all the topics covered till date.
§ Intro & overview of reporting techniques.
Session 12.
§ About “Client” in SAP.
§ Creating a Development class.
§ About Work Bench / Transport Request.
§ Transport Management System in SAP.
§ SAP implementation thru ASAP methodology.
Session 13.
§ Custom Report Development.
§ Simple Reports.
§ Special Report Events.
Session 14.
§ Complex reports.
§ Additional Report Events.
Session 15.
§ Interactive reports.
§ Exercises and FAQ’s.
§ Creating Logical Databases.
§ Developing reports using logical databases.
Session 16.
§ Report Building Using SAP Queries.
§ Report Building using SAP List Viewers.
Session 17.
§ Introduction to Module Pool Programming.
§ Concept of SAP GUI screen development.
§ Working with Screen Painter.
§ Using components like:
Text field, I/O field, Push Buttons,
Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Box Frames,
Title Bar.
Session 18.
§ Working with Tab Strip Control.
§ Working with Table View Control.
Session 19.
§ Misc. Concepts of Screen Painter.
§ Working with Menu Painter.
Session 20.
§ Introduction to SAP script
§ Defining Form Layouts and Print programs.
Session 21.
§ Using Main Windows.
§ Working with standard Text objects.
§ SAP Script Graphics management.
§ Working with standard SAP Scripts.
§ Other related Misc. concepts.
Session 22.
§ Working with SMART FORMS.
Session 23.
§ Concept of Data Transfer operations in SAP.
§ Pre-conditions and Techniques of Data
§ Intro to Batch Data Communication methods.
§ Intro to LSMW.
§ Uploading Flat file data to SAP.
Session 24.
§ Data Transfer using Call Transaction
approach with Recording method.
Session 25.
§ Data Transfer using Session Input method.
§ Data Transfer using LSMW.
Session 26.
§ Enhancements.
§ Enhancement Points.
§ Types of Enhancements Points.
§ User exits.
Session 27.
Business Application Programming Interface (Bapi)
• About Bapi
• Why Bapi’s?
• Integration Using Bapi
• Remote Enabled Function Modules
Session 28.
• What Is Lsmw?
• Why Lsmw?
• Steps In Lsmw.
• Lsmw Methods
§ Recording Method
§ Direct Input Method
§ Using Idocs
§ Using BAPI’s
Thursday, December 23, 2010
1 Organization structure………………..………………………………….
1.1 Company Code……….………………………………….
1.2 Business Area……….………………………………….
1.3 Chart of depreciation……….………………………………….
1.4 Depreciation Area……….………………………………….
2 Master Data………………..
2.1 Asset Classes…………………………………….
2.2 Asset Master…………………………………….
3 Business Processes………………..
3.1 Assets Master Maintenance……………………………….
3.2 Acquisition of Assets………………..
3.3 Retirement of Asset……………………………………………
3.4 Depreciation………………………………….
4 Annexure………………………………………………………….
1 Organization Structure
The following organizational definitions have been done at VIL.
1.1 Company Code
Definition and Meaning
The company code represents the smallest organizational unit for which a complete self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external reporting. Generally, a company code is defined to represent a legal entity. The process of external reporting involves recording all relevant transactions and generating all supporting documents required for financial statements (balance sheets, profit and loss statements and so on). All transactions in the financial application are recorded with reference to a company code. It is a four character alphanumeric key and is entered while posting business transactions or creating company code-specific master data like G/L Master Record, Vendor Master Record, for example.
Definitions at VIL
To meet the business requirement, the following company codes are created:
(i) VIL Manufacturing
(ii) VIL Narmada Glass
(iii) VIL Marketing
(iv) VAL
(v) VCL (decision awaited in Steering Committee)
Similar such companies will be defined at a later stage to define the subsidiaries or group companies of Videocon Group.
1.2 Business Area
Definition and Meaning
Business areas are used to facilitate external segment reporting across company codes, covering the company's main areas of operation (product lines, branches). All balance sheet items, such as fixed assets, receivables, payables, and material stock, as well as the entire P&L statement can be directly assigned to business areas.
Definitions at VIL
The business area will represent a location, whether a production facility or a branch. This will facilitate branch reporting requirement. The following business areas have been defined for VIL.
Business Area Description
Refer Annexure-FI-1 for complete list of business area.
1.3 Chart of Depreciation
Definition and Meaning
The chart of depreciation contains the defined depreciation areas. It is predefined to contain the rules for the evaluation for assets. The company code will be allocated to the chart of depreciation. One company code can be attached to only one chart of depreciation. The chart of depreciation and the chart of accounts are completely independent of one another.
1.4 Depreciation Area
Definition and Meaning
An area showing the valuation of a fixed asset for a particular purpose (for example, for individual financial statements, balance sheets, for tax purposes, or management accounting values).
Definitions at VIL
There will be only three depreciation areas, which are as follows:
(i) Depreciation for accounting
(ii) Depreciation for costing
(iii) Depreciation area for Income tax
2 Master Data
2.1 Asset Classes
Definition and Meaning
Asset classes are the most important means of structuring fixed assets.
Unlimited number of asset classes may be defined in the system. Asset classes are used to structure the assets according to the requirements of the organization. Asset classes apply in all company codes. Examples of Asset classes are Land, Building, Plant and Machinery, etc.
Definitions of Assets Class at VIL
The following asset classes for assets are defined at VIL with the GL Accounts as Mentioned Below. Separate asset classes will be created for local and import where bifurcation is required.
• Goodwill
• Land
• Plant & Machinery
• Building
• Furniture & Fixture
• Patent, Trade Mark & Designs
• Vehicles
• Computers
• Electrical Installation
• Office & Factory Equipment
• E.S.P. A/c
• Furnace
• Capital WIP
2.2 Asset Master
2.2.1 Master Data Maintenance
In order to make it easier for the user to create, maintain and evaluate master data, the varied individual information is structured according to its area of use and the relevant functions in the system. The asset master record consists of two main parts:
General Master Data
This part of the master record contains concrete information about the fixed asset. The following field groups exist:
• General Data (description)
• Inventory (Quantity)
• Posting information (for example, capitalization date)
• Time-dependent assignments (for example, cost center)
• Information for plant maintenance
• Origin Data (Vendor Information)
• Internal Specifications
• Valuation of Net Asset
• Depreciation Areas for managing different asset values under the same asset master record.
Data for Calculating Asset Values
Depreciation terms can be specified in the asset master record for each depreciation area in the chart of depreciation. In order to make these specifications, the master record contains an overview of the depreciation areas. In addition, there is a detailed display available for each depreciation area. If there are depreciation areas that are not needed for a specific asset, it is possible to deactivate these depreciation areas at the asset level.
The following depreciation will be defined in the asset accounting:
(i) Depreciation for accounting
(ii) Depreciation for costing
(iii) Depreciation area for Income tax
Number Assignment
The asset number uniquely identifies a fixed asset. It always consists of the main asset number and the asset sub-number. There are two ways of carrying out number assignment in the system:
• External number assignment
• Internal number assignment
In the case of external number assignment, the user directly assigns the asset number. The system displays only the defined number interval, and issues an error message if a number is already assigned. In the case of internal number assignment, the system automatically assigns consecutive numbers.
In VIL, internal number assignment will be defined for all asset classes ie., the assets will be managed with numbers assigned by the system.
3 Business Process
3.1 Assets Master Maintenance
The Asset Management component is used for managing and supervising fixed assets with the SAP R/3 System. In SAP R/3 Financial Accounting, it serves as a subsidiary ledger to the FI General Ledger, providing detailed information on transactions involving fixed assets. Asset accounting encompasses the entire lifetime of the asset from purchase order or the initial acquisition (possibly managed as an asset under construction) through its retirement.
The Plant Maintenance (PM) component offers functions for the technical management of assets in the form of functional locations and equipment. In other words, the Asset management is tightly integrated with the plant maintenance module of SAP. In VIL, Plant maintenance will separately create an equipment master for asset that is managed in the PM module.
3.1.1 Scope
The functions for handling assets enable you to illustrate and document the handling of fixed assets for accounting purposes.
3.1.2 Expectations / Requirements:
1. Identifying fixed assets cost center wise, profit center wise, & co code wise.
2. Details of assets lying at vendors.
3. Insurance details of each asset.
4. Register of fixed Assets.
5. Details Of WIP Assets
3.1.3 Explanations of Functions and Events
1. Determination of Asset class: Each GL Account in the balance sheet represents asset class for example, plant & machinery, vehicles.
2. Definition of chart of Depreciation, Depreciation area, method of depreciation & key of depreciation for each asset class.
3. Maintenance of Asset Master- This part of the master record contains general information about the fixed asset.
4. The asset number is a sequential number internally assigned by the system.
3.1.4 Business Model
Attached Flow chart.
3.1.5 Changes and its Implications
1. Proper assignment of Asset to cost center & profit Center.
2. Account Determination for each asset will accumulate FI data based on each asset class.
3. Actual date of acquisition has to be mentioned in master data of assets.
4. Maintain the record of Assets, which is transferred across the cost center/profit center.
3.1.6 Description of Improvements
1. Fulfill the Co. law requirement pertaining to the fixed Asset through
System (Provided that all transactions including depreciation is posted in the system).
2. Proper monitoring of Assets will be possible with detailed information.
3. Maintain block wise Assets for Income tax purpose
4. The SAP’s Asset Master feature acts as one umbrella to manage all information related to the asset. The asset master record has the feature of storing the description, physical inventory details, quantity, location, cost center, plant, business area, insurance details. Further in SAP, the depreciation related information will be stored under the same asset master under different depreciation areas.
5. Automatic calculation and posting of depreciation on a monthly basis.
6. Computation of profit/loss on sale of asset.
7. Information system provides list of assets by class, cost center etc.
8. Asset explorer provides details of transactions and planned depreciation values across multiple years in the same screen.
3.1.7 Gaps and Possible Approaches to Bridge the Gaps
3.1.8 System Configuration Considerations
3.1.9 Data Migration Considerations
The balances of Assets gross value and depreciation of opening assets to be uploaded in SAP for that the individual asset wise detail is required e.g its gross value, accumulated depreciation, cost centre, business area, plant, location etc.
3.1.10 Interface Considerations
3.1.11 Authorization and User Roles
Creation and change of asset master
Maintenance of depreciation key
3.2 Acquisition of Assets
3.2.1 Scope
Proper recording of all types of transactions related to fixed assets and proper control over the assets.
3.2.2 Expectations / Requirements:
1. Recording of all assets at its fair value.
2. Capitalizing all expenses incurred until the assets are ready and put to use; like freight, first time insurance, erection charges etc.
3. If any Assets acquired on loan, capturing the interest up to the period of Capitalization.
4. Detail of hypothecated assets.
5. Proper accounting of inventory (in-house produced goods) which are transferred to fixed assets like air conditioners, moulds etc.
6. Acquisition of spares specifically for capital assets being purchased and directly capitalized to an asset or asset under construction at the time of receipt only while in fact it may remain in stores physically therefore for inventory tracking of these spares statistical posting (only quantitative detail) is required. Similarly at the time of issue of these spares later on again a statistical reduction is required.
7. Acquisition of assets with free of cost spares, these spares are required to be maintained as inventory having the same material code regularly purchased with NIL value without affecting the MAP of regularly purchased spares, because these spares have already been capitalized as fixed asset.
3.2.3 Explanations of Functions and Events
1. For purchase of any Asset, concerned Dept. raises the purchase requisition.
2. Accounts dept. creates the asset master.
3. For Purchasing new Assets, PO is raised by two ways –
a) Account Assigned – If PO is Account Assigned, then on the preparation of GRN the Asset is directly capitalized.
b) No Account Assignment – If PO is not Account Assigned then on the preparation of GRN Inventory Asset A/c is debited. Once the Asset is ready to use the Inventory Asset A/c is transferred to the Asset A/c.
If the Asset is excisable, then 50% of excise will be utilized in the year of put to use & the remaining 50% of excise will be utilized in the following year.
1. For the assets, which are not yet installed, an asset master is created as Capital work in Progress. As and when the asset is installed, the balances under WIP asset will be transferred to the final asset, for which an asset master record will be prepared under an appropriate asset class.
3.2.4 Business Model
Attached Flow chart.
3.2.5 Changes and its Implications
1.Purchase Requisition of Fixed Assets must specify the cost center.
2.Internal order in CO module will be used for WIP Assets.
3.2.6 Description of Improvements
1. Manage the history of Assets from their origin to their disposal/scrapping.
2. Proper capitalisation of all the incidental expenses till the time of capitalisation.
3. Cost centre wise Assets detail will be available.
4. Capitalisation of asset can be done through AUC (Asset under construction) wherever relevant.
5. From AUC part capitalisation is possible with the balance written off as expense in a cost centre.
6. Revaluation of asset is possible as well as unplanned depreciation on assets that are devalued.
3.2.7 Gaps and Possible Approaches to Bridge the Gaps
3.2.8 System Configuration Considerations
None since the Asset Accounting module will be on the same R/3 system server.
3.2.9 Data Migration Considerations
The balances of Assets gross value and depreciation of opening assets to be uploaded in SAP for that the individual asset wise detail is required e.g its gross value, accumulated depreciation, cost centre, business area, plant, location etc.
3.2.10 Interface Considerations
3.2.11 Authorization and User Roles
Asset acquisition
Asset capitalisation
3.3 Retirement of Assets
3.3.1 Scope
Fixed asset retirement is the removal of an asset or part of an asset from the asset portfolio.
3.3.2 Expectations / Requirements:
1. Calculate the profit/loss on sale of assets.
2. Proper accounting of accumulated depreciation of the asset sold.
3. Inter business area, profit center transfer should be taken care.
3.3.3 Explanations of Functions and Events
1. Retirement with Revenue- In this case first post the revenue to customer from sale of assets & then the asset retirement. The gains or losses realized were calculated automatically and posted to the accounts defined in customizing.
2. Retirement due to scrapping- When an asset is retired without revenue, the system generates a loss for asset retirement without revenue equal to the retired. Net book value instead of the revenue and gain/loss posting.
3. In case of assets given to dealers and employees loss/profit on retirement or transfer should be separately accounted.
4. In case of transfer or retirement of asset during the month system should calculate depreciation up to the date of transfer or retirement.
3.3.4 Business Model
Attached Flow chart.
3.3.5 Changes and its Implications
Present at VIL only the excise invoice at the time of sale of asset is being created while there is no accounting effect comes on the block of asset, as well as no entry of Profit/ loss on sale of asset has made in books of accounts.
Presently VIL is using depreciation run at year-end to move to next fiscal year while there is no depreciation booked monthly. SAP recommends running and booking the depreciation monthly. If the depreciation is not run monthly it does not show the accurate figure of assets value and it will not calculate the profit and loss on sale of asset.
3.3.6 Description of Improvements
1. Arriving at the profit/loss as & when the sale of asset is done.
2. Disposal detail maintained at the asset register.
3. Even though the asset is scrapped or retired historical information
of the asset will continue to be available in the system.
4. Keep track of subsequent revenue or cost relating to asset after retirement.
3.3.7 Gaps and Possible Approaches to Bridge the Gaps
Accounting of gain/loss on sale of asset to dealers/employees will not be possible to be accounted differently from other retirement transactions.
3.3.8 System Configuration Considerations
3.3.9 Data Migration Considerations
The balances of Assets gross value and depreciation of opening assets to be uploaded in SAP for that the individual asset wise detail is required e.g its gross value, accumulated depreciation, cost centre, business area, plant, location etc.
3.3.10 Interface Considerations
3.3.11 Authorization and User Roles
Retirement of Asset
1 Organization structure………………..………………………………….
1.1 Company Code……….………………………………….
1.2 Business Area……….………………………………….
1.3 Chart of depreciation……….………………………………….
1.4 Depreciation Area……….………………………………….
2 Master Data………………..
2.1 Asset Classes…………………………………….
2.2 Asset Master…………………………………….
3 Business Processes………………..
3.1 Assets Master Maintenance……………………………….
3.2 Acquisition of Assets………………..
3.3 Retirement of Asset……………………………………………
3.4 Depreciation………………………………….
4 Annexure………………………………………………………….
1 Organization Structure
The following organizational definitions have been done at VIL.
1.1 Company Code
Definition and Meaning
The company code represents the smallest organizational unit for which a complete self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external reporting. Generally, a company code is defined to represent a legal entity. The process of external reporting involves recording all relevant transactions and generating all supporting documents required for financial statements (balance sheets, profit and loss statements and so on). All transactions in the financial application are recorded with reference to a company code. It is a four character alphanumeric key and is entered while posting business transactions or creating company code-specific master data like G/L Master Record, Vendor Master Record, for example.
Definitions at VIL
To meet the business requirement, the following company codes are created:
(i) VIL Manufacturing
(ii) VIL Narmada Glass
(iii) VIL Marketing
(iv) VAL
(v) VCL (decision awaited in Steering Committee)
Similar such companies will be defined at a later stage to define the subsidiaries or group companies of Videocon Group.
1.2 Business Area
Definition and Meaning
Business areas are used to facilitate external segment reporting across company codes, covering the company's main areas of operation (product lines, branches). All balance sheet items, such as fixed assets, receivables, payables, and material stock, as well as the entire P&L statement can be directly assigned to business areas.
Definitions at VIL
The business area will represent a location, whether a production facility or a branch. This will facilitate branch reporting requirement. The following business areas have been defined for VIL.
Business Area Description
Refer Annexure-FI-1 for complete list of business area.
1.3 Chart of Depreciation
Definition and Meaning
The chart of depreciation contains the defined depreciation areas. It is predefined to contain the rules for the evaluation for assets. The company code will be allocated to the chart of depreciation. One company code can be attached to only one chart of depreciation. The chart of depreciation and the chart of accounts are completely independent of one another.
1.4 Depreciation Area
Definition and Meaning
An area showing the valuation of a fixed asset for a particular purpose (for example, for individual financial statements, balance sheets, for tax purposes, or management accounting values).
Definitions at VIL
There will be only three depreciation areas, which are as follows:
(i) Depreciation for accounting
(ii) Depreciation for costing
(iii) Depreciation area for Income tax
2 Master Data
2.1 Asset Classes
Definition and Meaning
Asset classes are the most important means of structuring fixed assets.
Unlimited number of asset classes may be defined in the system. Asset classes are used to structure the assets according to the requirements of the organization. Asset classes apply in all company codes. Examples of Asset classes are Land, Building, Plant and Machinery, etc.
Definitions of Assets Class at VIL
The following asset classes for assets are defined at VIL with the GL Accounts as Mentioned Below. Separate asset classes will be created for local and import where bifurcation is required.
• Goodwill
• Land
• Plant & Machinery
• Building
• Furniture & Fixture
• Patent, Trade Mark & Designs
• Vehicles
• Computers
• Electrical Installation
• Office & Factory Equipment
• E.S.P. A/c
• Furnace
• Capital WIP
2.2 Asset Master
2.2.1 Master Data Maintenance
In order to make it easier for the user to create, maintain and evaluate master data, the varied individual information is structured according to its area of use and the relevant functions in the system. The asset master record consists of two main parts:
General Master Data
This part of the master record contains concrete information about the fixed asset. The following field groups exist:
• General Data (description)
• Inventory (Quantity)
• Posting information (for example, capitalization date)
• Time-dependent assignments (for example, cost center)
• Information for plant maintenance
• Origin Data (Vendor Information)
• Internal Specifications
• Valuation of Net Asset
• Depreciation Areas for managing different asset values under the same asset master record.
Data for Calculating Asset Values
Depreciation terms can be specified in the asset master record for each depreciation area in the chart of depreciation. In order to make these specifications, the master record contains an overview of the depreciation areas. In addition, there is a detailed display available for each depreciation area. If there are depreciation areas that are not needed for a specific asset, it is possible to deactivate these depreciation areas at the asset level.
The following depreciation will be defined in the asset accounting:
(i) Depreciation for accounting
(ii) Depreciation for costing
(iii) Depreciation area for Income tax
Number Assignment
The asset number uniquely identifies a fixed asset. It always consists of the main asset number and the asset sub-number. There are two ways of carrying out number assignment in the system:
• External number assignment
• Internal number assignment
In the case of external number assignment, the user directly assigns the asset number. The system displays only the defined number interval, and issues an error message if a number is already assigned. In the case of internal number assignment, the system automatically assigns consecutive numbers.
In VIL, internal number assignment will be defined for all asset classes ie., the assets will be managed with numbers assigned by the system.
3 Business Process
3.1 Assets Master Maintenance
The Asset Management component is used for managing and supervising fixed assets with the SAP R/3 System. In SAP R/3 Financial Accounting, it serves as a subsidiary ledger to the FI General Ledger, providing detailed information on transactions involving fixed assets. Asset accounting encompasses the entire lifetime of the asset from purchase order or the initial acquisition (possibly managed as an asset under construction) through its retirement.
The Plant Maintenance (PM) component offers functions for the technical management of assets in the form of functional locations and equipment. In other words, the Asset management is tightly integrated with the plant maintenance module of SAP. In VIL, Plant maintenance will separately create an equipment master for asset that is managed in the PM module.
3.1.1 Scope
The functions for handling assets enable you to illustrate and document the handling of fixed assets for accounting purposes.
3.1.2 Expectations / Requirements:
1. Identifying fixed assets cost center wise, profit center wise, & co code wise.
2. Details of assets lying at vendors.
3. Insurance details of each asset.
4. Register of fixed Assets.
5. Details Of WIP Assets
3.1.3 Explanations of Functions and Events
1. Determination of Asset class: Each GL Account in the balance sheet represents asset class for example, plant & machinery, vehicles.
2. Definition of chart of Depreciation, Depreciation area, method of depreciation & key of depreciation for each asset class.
3. Maintenance of Asset Master- This part of the master record contains general information about the fixed asset.
4. The asset number is a sequential number internally assigned by the system.
3.1.4 Business Model
Attached Flow chart.
3.1.5 Changes and its Implications
1. Proper assignment of Asset to cost center & profit Center.
2. Account Determination for each asset will accumulate FI data based on each asset class.
3. Actual date of acquisition has to be mentioned in master data of assets.
4. Maintain the record of Assets, which is transferred across the cost center/profit center.
3.1.6 Description of Improvements
1. Fulfill the Co. law requirement pertaining to the fixed Asset through
System (Provided that all transactions including depreciation is posted in the system).
2. Proper monitoring of Assets will be possible with detailed information.
3. Maintain block wise Assets for Income tax purpose
4. The SAP’s Asset Master feature acts as one umbrella to manage all information related to the asset. The asset master record has the feature of storing the description, physical inventory details, quantity, location, cost center, plant, business area, insurance details. Further in SAP, the depreciation related information will be stored under the same asset master under different depreciation areas.
5. Automatic calculation and posting of depreciation on a monthly basis.
6. Computation of profit/loss on sale of asset.
7. Information system provides list of assets by class, cost center etc.
8. Asset explorer provides details of transactions and planned depreciation values across multiple years in the same screen.
3.1.7 Gaps and Possible Approaches to Bridge the Gaps
3.1.8 System Configuration Considerations
3.1.9 Data Migration Considerations
The balances of Assets gross value and depreciation of opening assets to be uploaded in SAP for that the individual asset wise detail is required e.g its gross value, accumulated depreciation, cost centre, business area, plant, location etc.
3.1.10 Interface Considerations
3.1.11 Authorization and User Roles
Creation and change of asset master
Maintenance of depreciation key
3.2 Acquisition of Assets
3.2.1 Scope
Proper recording of all types of transactions related to fixed assets and proper control over the assets.
3.2.2 Expectations / Requirements:
1. Recording of all assets at its fair value.
2. Capitalizing all expenses incurred until the assets are ready and put to use; like freight, first time insurance, erection charges etc.
3. If any Assets acquired on loan, capturing the interest up to the period of Capitalization.
4. Detail of hypothecated assets.
5. Proper accounting of inventory (in-house produced goods) which are transferred to fixed assets like air conditioners, moulds etc.
6. Acquisition of spares specifically for capital assets being purchased and directly capitalized to an asset or asset under construction at the time of receipt only while in fact it may remain in stores physically therefore for inventory tracking of these spares statistical posting (only quantitative detail) is required. Similarly at the time of issue of these spares later on again a statistical reduction is required.
7. Acquisition of assets with free of cost spares, these spares are required to be maintained as inventory having the same material code regularly purchased with NIL value without affecting the MAP of regularly purchased spares, because these spares have already been capitalized as fixed asset.
3.2.3 Explanations of Functions and Events
1. For purchase of any Asset, concerned Dept. raises the purchase requisition.
2. Accounts dept. creates the asset master.
3. For Purchasing new Assets, PO is raised by two ways –
a) Account Assigned – If PO is Account Assigned, then on the preparation of GRN the Asset is directly capitalized.
b) No Account Assignment – If PO is not Account Assigned then on the preparation of GRN Inventory Asset A/c is debited. Once the Asset is ready to use the Inventory Asset A/c is transferred to the Asset A/c.
If the Asset is excisable, then 50% of excise will be utilized in the year of put to use & the remaining 50% of excise will be utilized in the following year.
1. For the assets, which are not yet installed, an asset master is created as Capital work in Progress. As and when the asset is installed, the balances under WIP asset will be transferred to the final asset, for which an asset master record will be prepared under an appropriate asset class.
3.2.4 Business Model
Attached Flow chart.
3.2.5 Changes and its Implications
1.Purchase Requisition of Fixed Assets must specify the cost center.
2.Internal order in CO module will be used for WIP Assets.
3.2.6 Description of Improvements
1. Manage the history of Assets from their origin to their disposal/scrapping.
2. Proper capitalisation of all the incidental expenses till the time of capitalisation.
3. Cost centre wise Assets detail will be available.
4. Capitalisation of asset can be done through AUC (Asset under construction) wherever relevant.
5. From AUC part capitalisation is possible with the balance written off as expense in a cost centre.
6. Revaluation of asset is possible as well as unplanned depreciation on assets that are devalued.
3.2.7 Gaps and Possible Approaches to Bridge the Gaps
3.2.8 System Configuration Considerations
None since the Asset Accounting module will be on the same R/3 system server.
3.2.9 Data Migration Considerations
The balances of Assets gross value and depreciation of opening assets to be uploaded in SAP for that the individual asset wise detail is required e.g its gross value, accumulated depreciation, cost centre, business area, plant, location etc.
3.2.10 Interface Considerations
3.2.11 Authorization and User Roles
Asset acquisition
Asset capitalisation
3.3 Retirement of Assets
3.3.1 Scope
Fixed asset retirement is the removal of an asset or part of an asset from the asset portfolio.
3.3.2 Expectations / Requirements:
1. Calculate the profit/loss on sale of assets.
2. Proper accounting of accumulated depreciation of the asset sold.
3. Inter business area, profit center transfer should be taken care.
3.3.3 Explanations of Functions and Events
1. Retirement with Revenue- In this case first post the revenue to customer from sale of assets & then the asset retirement. The gains or losses realized were calculated automatically and posted to the accounts defined in customizing.
2. Retirement due to scrapping- When an asset is retired without revenue, the system generates a loss for asset retirement without revenue equal to the retired. Net book value instead of the revenue and gain/loss posting.
3. In case of assets given to dealers and employees loss/profit on retirement or transfer should be separately accounted.
4. In case of transfer or retirement of asset during the month system should calculate depreciation up to the date of transfer or retirement.
3.3.4 Business Model
Attached Flow chart.
3.3.5 Changes and its Implications
Present at VIL only the excise invoice at the time of sale of asset is being created while there is no accounting effect comes on the block of asset, as well as no entry of Profit/ loss on sale of asset has made in books of accounts.
Presently VIL is using depreciation run at year-end to move to next fiscal year while there is no depreciation booked monthly. SAP recommends running and booking the depreciation monthly. If the depreciation is not run monthly it does not show the accurate figure of assets value and it will not calculate the profit and loss on sale of asset.
3.3.6 Description of Improvements
1. Arriving at the profit/loss as & when the sale of asset is done.
2. Disposal detail maintained at the asset register.
3. Even though the asset is scrapped or retired historical information
of the asset will continue to be available in the system.
4. Keep track of subsequent revenue or cost relating to asset after retirement.
3.3.7 Gaps and Possible Approaches to Bridge the Gaps
Accounting of gain/loss on sale of asset to dealers/employees will not be possible to be accounted differently from other retirement transactions.
3.3.8 System Configuration Considerations
3.3.9 Data Migration Considerations
The balances of Assets gross value and depreciation of opening assets to be uploaded in SAP for that the individual asset wise detail is required e.g its gross value, accumulated depreciation, cost centre, business area, plant, location etc.
3.3.10 Interface Considerations
3.3.11 Authorization and User Roles
Retirement of Asset
Monday, July 12, 2010
Total 70 hours
1. Explanation about ERP, WHAT IS SAP?,R/3 ARCHITECTURE
3. Meaning ,Defining & Assigning THE ORGANISATION STRUCTURE.
4. TRAINER : Jyotiraditya.B.-Senior SAP fico consultant.
Define Company
Define Company Code
Define Business Areas
Define Consolidation Business Areas
Define Financial Management Areas
Define credit control area
Define Functional Area
Define Plant
Define storage locations
Define purchase organization
Define Sales organization
Define Distribution centers
Define Divisions
5. Financial Accounting basic settings
Define Fiscal Year Variant
Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant
Posting Periods
Define Variant for Open Posting Periods
Assign Variants to Company Code
Open and Close Posting Periods
Define Document Type and Analization
Define Field Status Variant
Assign Company Code to Field Status Variant
Define Tolerance and Groups
Define Tolerance Groups for General Ledger Accounts
Define Tolerance Groups for Employees
Enter Global Parameters
6. General ledger basic settings
Define Chart Of Accounts List
Assign Company Code to Chart Of Accounts
Define Account Group
Define Retain Earnings Group
Creation of general ledger accounts
Making changes to G/L accounts
View the balances
Document lists
7. Posting the transactions using different applications -3HRS
Parked documents
Normal documents
Recurring documents
Hold documents
Accrual/deferral documents
Sample documents
View line items
Payment types
9. Foreign currency
Define exchange rates
Transaction Ratios For Currency Transaction
Define Exchange Rates
Exchange rate key
Postings related foreign currency
10. Bank accounting-1HOUR
Creation of House bank -
Cheque lot creation
11. Accounts receivable & Accounts payable -10HOURS
Creation of Accounts group
Number ranges for customer master records
Tolerance limits
Creation of customer master records
Invoice & payment posting
Statement of Account, Maintain Statement
Request For Correspondence
View reports, balances
12. Advance configuration steps
Reconciliation Account
Special G/L indicator
Automatic postings
13. Dunning
Dunning procedures
Dunning levels
Dunning run
Create Chart of Depreciation
Specify Chart of Depreciation
Copy/Delete Chart of Depreciation Areas
Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company code
Specify Account Determination
Define screen layout rules
Define number ranges for dep areas
Define Asset Classes
Define Dep Area in the asset class
Assign G/L Accounts for automatic postings to FI
Specify Document type for posting of Depreciation
Specify Intervals and posting rules
Specify rounding off and / or Depreciation
Define Base Method
Define Multi Level Method
Define Period Control Method
Define Declining Balance Method
Define Depreciation Key
Define Screen layout for Asset Master data
Define Screen layout for Depreciation Areas
Create Asset Masters
Create SUB-Asset master
Asset purchase posting
Sub Asset purchase posting
View Individual Asset
View Asset balances by Business Area
Asset Sale posting
Asset Transfer
Asset Scraping
17. Controlling-
Define Controlling Area
Define Number ranges for controlling documents
18. Cost Element Accounting
Types of Cost elements
Different types of cost elements
Different types of defining cost elements
Primary cost elements
Secondary cost elements
Make changes of cost elements
Defining Cost element group
Posting using cost elements
19. Cost center Accounting
Defining cost centers
Define Cost center group
Cost center standard hierarchy
Repost cost
Repost controlling line items
Line item display
Cost center wise report
Settlement & Distribution
Define Cost cycle
Cost center wise variance report
Defining cost center under field status group as a required entry
Posting of the documents using cost elements and cost centers
20. Internal orders-2HOURS
Define different types of internal orders
Create Internal order & Groups
Repost cost
Repost controlling line items
Line item display
View Internal order wise report
21. Profit center Accounting -2HOURS
Create Dummy Profit Center& Profit center
Set control parameters for actual data
Maintain Plan versions
Define number ranges for local documents
Maintain Automatic Account Assignment of revenue elements
Choose Additional balance sheets and p&l a/c’s
Derivation rules
Profit center wise planning
Expenditure& revenue posting for profit center
Profit center wise variance report for B/Sheet a/c’s & p&l a/c’s
22. Profitability Analysis-2HOURS
Define Operating concern
Types of Profitability Analysis
Characteristics and value fields
Activate Profitability Analysis
Total 70 hours
1. Explanation about ERP, WHAT IS SAP?,R/3 ARCHITECTURE
3. Meaning ,Defining & Assigning THE ORGANISATION STRUCTURE.
4. TRAINER : Jyotiraditya.B.-Senior SAP fico consultant.
Define Company
Define Company Code
Define Business Areas
Define Consolidation Business Areas
Define Financial Management Areas
Define credit control area
Define Functional Area
Define Plant
Define storage locations
Define purchase organization
Define Sales organization
Define Distribution centers
Define Divisions
5. Financial Accounting basic settings
Define Fiscal Year Variant
Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant
Posting Periods
Define Variant for Open Posting Periods
Assign Variants to Company Code
Open and Close Posting Periods
Define Document Type and Analization
Define Field Status Variant
Assign Company Code to Field Status Variant
Define Tolerance and Groups
Define Tolerance Groups for General Ledger Accounts
Define Tolerance Groups for Employees
Enter Global Parameters
6. General ledger basic settings
Define Chart Of Accounts List
Assign Company Code to Chart Of Accounts
Define Account Group
Define Retain Earnings Group
Creation of general ledger accounts
Making changes to G/L accounts
View the balances
Document lists
7. Posting the transactions using different applications -3HRS
Parked documents
Normal documents
Recurring documents
Hold documents
Accrual/deferral documents
Sample documents
View line items
Payment types
9. Foreign currency
Define exchange rates
Transaction Ratios For Currency Transaction
Define Exchange Rates
Exchange rate key
Postings related foreign currency
10. Bank accounting-1HOUR
Creation of House bank -
Cheque lot creation
11. Accounts receivable & Accounts payable -10HOURS
Creation of Accounts group
Number ranges for customer master records
Tolerance limits
Creation of customer master records
Invoice & payment posting
Statement of Account, Maintain Statement
Request For Correspondence
View reports, balances
12. Advance configuration steps
Reconciliation Account
Special G/L indicator
Automatic postings
13. Dunning
Dunning procedures
Dunning levels
Dunning run
Create Chart of Depreciation
Specify Chart of Depreciation
Copy/Delete Chart of Depreciation Areas
Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company code
Specify Account Determination
Define screen layout rules
Define number ranges for dep areas
Define Asset Classes
Define Dep Area in the asset class
Assign G/L Accounts for automatic postings to FI
Specify Document type for posting of Depreciation
Specify Intervals and posting rules
Specify rounding off and / or Depreciation
Define Base Method
Define Multi Level Method
Define Period Control Method
Define Declining Balance Method
Define Depreciation Key
Define Screen layout for Asset Master data
Define Screen layout for Depreciation Areas
Create Asset Masters
Create SUB-Asset master
Asset purchase posting
Sub Asset purchase posting
View Individual Asset
View Asset balances by Business Area
Asset Sale posting
Asset Transfer
Asset Scraping
17. Controlling-
Define Controlling Area
Define Number ranges for controlling documents
18. Cost Element Accounting
Types of Cost elements
Different types of cost elements
Different types of defining cost elements
Primary cost elements
Secondary cost elements
Make changes of cost elements
Defining Cost element group
Posting using cost elements
19. Cost center Accounting
Defining cost centers
Define Cost center group
Cost center standard hierarchy
Repost cost
Repost controlling line items
Line item display
Cost center wise report
Settlement & Distribution
Define Cost cycle
Cost center wise variance report
Defining cost center under field status group as a required entry
Posting of the documents using cost elements and cost centers
20. Internal orders-2HOURS
Define different types of internal orders
Create Internal order & Groups
Repost cost
Repost controlling line items
Line item display
View Internal order wise report
21. Profit center Accounting -2HOURS
Create Dummy Profit Center& Profit center
Set control parameters for actual data
Maintain Plan versions
Define number ranges for local documents
Maintain Automatic Account Assignment of revenue elements
Choose Additional balance sheets and p&l a/c’s
Derivation rules
Profit center wise planning
Expenditure& revenue posting for profit center
Profit center wise variance report for B/Sheet a/c’s & p&l a/c’s
22. Profitability Analysis-2HOURS
Define Operating concern
Types of Profitability Analysis
Characteristics and value fields
Activate Profitability Analysis
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Configuring FI/CO
SAP stands for System Application and Products in data Processing
FI stands for Financials
CO stands for Controlling
Version : ECC6
ECC stands for ERP Central Component
SAP was released in 1972 – It head quarters in Germany
What is ERP?
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource planning, it is integrated all functions in one system.
| | | |
Purchase Dept. Store Dept. Production Dept. Accounts Dept.
Will have no of departments in organization. ERP integrate all the functions into one system.
It will facilitate free flow of data among the departments.
Once stores person updates in the system – It can be shared by account person.
No mismatch in reporting – Data Source is only one once updation.
Store Department at Factory: Where the material is received are updates his records send the bill to account person.
Accounts department at City office : Pass an entry in the books
Duplicate job
Time gap.
ERP Packages:
SAP, Oracle, Financials, Peoples soft, BAAN , J.D.Edwards
1972- SAP R/1 – Real time data processing
1980-SAP – R/2 Included no.of countires and no.of currencies
1990 – SAP R/3- R/3 stands for
Data Structure
1.Application Server
2.Data based server
1999 – My – Web baed
2004 – Net weaver – Integrates information, people and process.
Areas to be covered under FI /CO
1. General Ledger accounting
2. Accounts payable
3. Accounts receivable
4. Asset accounting
1. Cost element accounting
2. Cost center accounting
3. Internal orders
4. Profit center accounting
5. Product costing
6. Profitability analysis
Integration of:
1. Material Management Module to Financials (MM to FI)
2. Sale & Distribution module to Financial module integrate (SD to FI)
3. Data take over(From Non-SAP to SAP)
4. Closing procedure
In all the module systems gives around 2000 reports
You can attaché the reports to favorites
Some important reports you can attach the reports on desk top.
Cross company code transactions:
India version: TDS , Excise and sales tax
Companies Act:1956: as per Schedule VI Balance sheet and Profit & Loss A/c
What are difference between SAP EE 4.7 and ECC 6.0?
SAP EE 4.7 SAP ECC 6.0
Stands for Enterprise Edition Stands for Enterprise Central Compound
No Netware concept (Offline) Netware concept (Online)
Segment wise report is not possible Is it possible
Only one currency Multiple ledgers in currencies
Document splitting
Foreign currency revaluation based on accounting principles
Role of FI /CO Consultant
1. Project Manger
2. Senior Consultant
3. Junior consultant (Each project 3 to 6 members)
4. Support Consultant (Eg.IBM, Accenture)
5. Core Team Members
6. End User
How to Open SAP
Open: Double lick on SAP Logon Icon
Double Click ECC 6 Server
First Screen:
First Field : Client :2 Clients
1. Development client
2. Production client
In the implementation SAP
1. Consultants
2. Company staff (Core Team Members)
The consultant they do the customization in development client
The company staff will do the testing.
The customization will be transferred to client through transport requests.
In the production client you enter day to day transaction.
Some companies they will give 3 clients:
1. Development client
2. Testing client
3. Production client
Client: 800/000/810 – You can copy and give any number
User: Cost of package will depend on the no.of users licenses.
100 users license –used by 1000 employees
It fixes the responsibility on employee.
User ID: SAP user: You can use small or capital letters (It’s not case sensitive)
Password: The length of password – Min3 – Max 8
(it can be numeric, Alpha Numeric , Alphabets, and Special characters.)
Password is not case sensitive
Not possible to change password more than once in a day
Latest 5 passwords can not be used
Password can not be restored
• Money is the password.
What is client?
Aravind Group Wipro
(Aravind Industries Ltd) (Consluting Firm)
(Aravind Steel Ltd)
To Purchase Sap Package From Sap India Bangalore Wipro Will Customize(Map) Aravind Requirement In SAP
Project Manager Project manager
Core team accounts manager FI Consultant
Cost accountant CO Consultant
Purchase Manager MM Consultant
Sales Manager SD Consultant
It staff ABAP programmer
BASIS Administrator
Aravind :Core Team As is Process_What Is Requested From SAP
Wipro :To Be Process What Should Be Done In SAP
Development Production
Client Client
Wipro Customization - Transport Request
Aravind Core Team - Testing
After testing by Aravind core team customization will be transported to production client through transport request
Production client is live client where we enter day to day transactions
If the consultant do customization once again in production client, if they commit any mistake all the postings will go wrong where as development client customization is tested customization by the Aravind core team and corrected by Wipro team.
We will not get any mistakes in the development client customization.
In live environment we should have minimum 2 clients some companies they keep 3 clients
Development Client Testing quality Client Production Client
Wipro Customization Transport Request ->
Aravind Core Team -> Testing
"When SAP is purchased from SAP India we get clients like 000,001,067 and 800" Basis consultant copies 000 client and give the number required by Aravind care team
Client :800 (Development Client)
User : Cost of package will be based on number of user licenses
User Id Creation Is The Job of BASIS Administrator
A) Cost Factor
B) User Id Fixes Responsibility on Employee
SAP User: It Is Not Case sensitive (Capital Letters Or Small Letters)
Password: Password Is Case Sensitive (From Ecc 5 Onwards)
Length of Password: Minimum 6 Maximum 40
"We can use alphabets, Numerical, alphanumeric, special characters-like"
Not possible to change password more than once in a day.
System will not permit to use latest previous 5 passwords
EG: 1.09.2008 ABC123
5.09.2008 XYZABC
12.09.2008 ABC123 system will not permit
Password can not be restored
BASIS Administrator deletes old password and gives a new password : oracle
Language : 41 Languages
If we do not specify any language it takes English by default or we can use EN for English
If we user id : The menu will be in German
Client: 800
Password: oracle
Press enter
Now open SAP
Select and choose the radio button depend on necessity.
Employee1 Employee2
1st Radio button Can not work Can work
2nd Radio button Work Can work
3rd Radio button Can work Can not work
In training institutes we have to select 2nd radio button
1st raw is called menu bar
Menu Edit ,Favorites ,Extras
2nd raw is called standard tool bar
3rd row is called in title bar
4th is called application tool bar
5th & last is called status bar
The second row the tick is called enter, beside tick box is called is command field."
One employee can work in number of sessions (windows) at a time -the maximum is 6 sessions
How to create a new session?
Path: From the menu bar - Select system- Create session
To move from one session to another session (alt+tab)
How to end session?
Path :From the menu bar - select system- End session
To view which version we are using?
Path : From menu bar - Select system- Status-Sap system data
How to use transaction codes (T/C)?
We want posting of transaction.
option-1 option-2
Go through the path and post Use transaction code in command field
the transaction and press enter
Path: Accounting --> Financial accounting we can create our own transaction
-> General ledger-->Posting ->General posting codes they should start with Y or Z
To go back to SAP easy access screen:
Use: /n in command field and press enter.
For Posting Transaction:
Document (Voucher) entry Account display (FS10N)
After posting we want to view the ledger.
a) Use:/n (changing) in command field and enter - to back to sap easy access screen
b) Use FS10N in command field and press enter- to go to account display
use:/NFS10N in command field and press enter change session with new transaction code.
use /OFS10N in command field and press enter- create session with new transaction code.
./N for change
./O for create
How to activate transaction codes in sap menu?
Path :From the menu bar - select extras - Settings - Display technical names- Enter
To make one screen as beginning screen
Path: From menu bar select extras - set start transactions (transaction code is F-02)
Give a message transaction F-02 set as start transaction
Path: From the menu bar select system - log off - select ‘yes’ button for the message to logoff
Select yes button to log off
At the time of customization -screen will come with display mode not enter mode
Path:Tools-Administrator- Monitor-Lock entries (tr.code is SM12)
Select list button- Message - No lock entries found
Path: From the menu bar select lock entry- Delete all-select’ yes’ button for the message
Delete all lock entries - Enter.
Organization structure:
| |
Group Company
| |
Company Company code
| |
Units Businesses Area
Creation of Project: Group --> Companies Units
In SAP – Group is called as company
Company is called as company code
Unit is called as Business area
| | |
Aravind Mills Ltd(AML) Aravind Steels Ltd(ASL) Aravind Industries ltd(AIL)
| | | | | |
FI consultant will do customization at company code level -company or group is only for information.
We do customization for Aravind Mills Ltd after words we copy customization including accounts to other company codes in one step and make modifications where ever required.
Path: Tools - Customizing –IMG (implementation guide) - Execute project (trns.code SPRO)
SPRO stands for SAP Project Reference Object
Select SAP reference IMG button : This is called customization area or configuration area or implementation area
Path:SPRO- Enterprise structure - Definition - Financial accounting - Define company ( Tr code is OX15)
It we select IMG activity documentation button: It gives description part about company
To select IMG activity button: To do customization
Select IMG activity button
Select new entries button
Company : AVG
Company name :Aravind group
name of company2 :blank
street :Ameerpet
postal code :500034
country :For country select dropdown(pull down) button, select in for india"
Language key :select drop down button select EN for English
Currency :For currency select drop down button here 218.
Select INR for Indian rupees
Select save button or Ctrl+s
Development client production client
consultant - Customization Transport request→
By default it gives the latest request we have to create our own request and afterwards to transport to production client
For each step we need not create separate request.
For Basic settings :1st request
For General ledger :2nd request
For Account payable :3rd request
For Accounts receivable :4th request
For Asset accounting :5th request
For Controlling :6th request
Select create request button (F8)
Give the short description :FI basic settings for Aravind Mills Ltd
Press enter
Press enter once again to save in the request. We get a message data was saved: Data was saved in two places:1.Development client 800 2. In Transport request
2.DEFINE COMPANY CODE: ( Tr code is OX02)
Path: Tools - Customizing - IMG- executive project (SPRO)
Select sap reference button IMG
SPRO - path upto select sap reference IMG button is same.
Consultant job End user job
Note the path SPRO
Path: Enterprise structure - Definition- financial accounting - edit, copy, delete, check company code
Edit company code data
Select new entries button
Give company code :AML
City :Hyderabad
Country :IN
Currency :INR
Language :EN
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Title :Select company
Name :Aravind mills ltd
Street :Ameerpet
Post code :500034
City :Hyderabad
Country :IN
Press enter
To select our request number select dropdown button beside request number.
We can see here number of requests.
Select request number by seeing the description.
Press enter to save in the request.
Description can be same should be different
Path: SPRO - Enterprise structure - Assignment - Financial accounting - Assign company code to company ( Tr code is OX16)
Select position button give the company code AML enter
For company AML assign company AVG
Select save button or Crtl+S
Select dropdown beside request number
Select your request number
Press enter to save in the request
4.Define Business Areas
path: SPRO- Enterprise structure- Definition -financial accounting- define business area ( Tr code is OX03)
Select new entries button
Business area: AMLH
Description :Hyderabad AML
Bangalore business area link this number
Select save button or C trl+s
Press enter to save in your request
*Assignment of business areas to company code is not required
Aravind Group
Aravind Mills Ltd Aravind Steels Ltd Aravind Industries ltd
| | |
AML accounts person ASL accounts person
At the time of posting
Company code : AML ASL
Business area : HYD HYD
* Without giving company code we can not pass to business area
At the time of request generation:
Company code AML ASL
Business area HYD HYD
We get HYD data of company HYD data of company
Code AML only code ASL only
Some business area can be used by number of company codes in the client assignment of business area to company code is not required.
HYD incharge for AML, ASL and AIL in the report
Company code AML +ASL+AIL
Business area HYD
Hyderabad data for all company codes we have Hyderabad business area separately for each company code.
HYD Hyderabad business area
HYD1 Hyderabad business area
HYD2 Hyderabad business area
AML accounts person
Company code :AML ASL
Business area :HYD/HYD1 HYD1/HYD2
There will be a mixup
Company Codes: AML ASL AIL
when we want to compare or consolidate
we can have same set of accounts
(chart of accounts) -i.e.,
Accounts coding will be same.
Conveyance account no. 400000 400000 400000
Each company code has their on
set of accounts conveyance account no. 400000 400000 400000
Compare or consolidate by using group 400000 300000 200000
Chart of Accounts
when we create conveyance account no
we use 2 numbers
Company code no. 400000 300000 100000
Group no. 100000 100000 100000
We are comparing or consolidating by using group account number.
Companies following option1
Chart of Accounts name
Description of chart of accounts
Maintenance language English
Length of account number most 10 digits (we are using 6 digits)
path: SPRO - Financial accounting- General ledger accounting - GL accounts - Master Data-Preparation - Edit chart of accounts list (TR.CODE.OB13
The other way to give transaction code is from the menu bar -> Select system - Status
Select new entries button.
Chat of accounts :AML
Description :Chart of Accounts for Aravind group
Maintenance language :English
Length of GL account no. :6 (min 6 max 10)
Controlling integration :select manual creation of cost elements
Group chart of accounts :Blank
Under status deselect blocked check box (do not select blocked check box)
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Select your request and press enter to save in your request
Controlling integration: select manual creation of cost elements.
FI (Financials) CO (Controlling)
When we past to expenditure accounts in FI it updates, CO automatically provided. We create expenditure accounts as cost elements.
All expenditure accounts need not be cost elements expenditure accounts like interest, Depreciation, Non-operating expenses -will not be consolidated for costing -they are debatable.
Cost elements creation
Manual Automatic
When we select manual, when expenditure account is created and posted in FI, we want that expenditure to update co-create that expenditure account as CO element. If we do not want to update co-records that expenditure create expenditure account only and not to create as cost element -here we have flexibility. If we choose automatic, when we create an expenditure account automatically cost element will be created. When we post to that expenditure account in FI, automatically CO records will be updated-no flexibility.
Accounts creation is at end user area, users at the time of posting, they will not check whether account is there as not they create new account and post accounts.
We will have number of duplicate accounts in SAP once we create an account and past transaction-IT can not be deleted
In live environment after up leading accounts - select blocked check box. No body can create any account whether original account or duplicate account. When there is a necessity to create a new account an authorized person say accounts manager deselects the blocked check box, create the account and afterwards select blocked check box.
We have to create the accounts now. We are deselecting the blocked check box.
path: SPRO- Financial accounting - General ledger accounting- GL Accounting- Master data-Preparation-Assign company code to chart of accounts. (Tr.code OB62)
Select position button
Give the company code : AML
For company code AML assign chart of accounts AML
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Press enter to save in your request.
Accounts groups
100000 Equity share capital
100001 Cash account
100002 Preference share capital
100003 SBI current Account
We have created 1000 accounts
We want to view current assets balance or transaction.
We can not get directly-we have to verify each and every account and add the respective accounts- in this example account no.100001 and 100003
We are preparing balance sheet on liabilities we have items like share capital, Reserves & surplus-We have to verify each and every account and assign to the respective items-it takes so much time to assign accounts.
To get account balances directly or to assign accounts easily SAP has given account groups.
Chart of accounts AML
Accounts groups Share capital (100000 - 100099)
| |
Accounts Current assets (200000-200099)
When we create the accounts, we create within the range. Cash account will be created within the range of 200000-200099."
Equity share capital will be created within the range of 100000-100099.
When we want to see current assets balances-we give current assets or at the time of crating balance sheet for Share capital-we give the range 100000-100099
While crating account groups we take client's balance sheet and crate the groups-after implementation also we wants to see the way he used to get.
1 Series for liabilities
2.Series for assets
3.Series for income
4.Series for expenditure
We have 1000 accounts the user at the time of posting to expenditure account he need not see all accounts he gives 4 only expenditure accounts will appear.
path: SPRO-Financial accounting-General ledger accounting- GL accounts-master data-preparations-Define account group
select new entries button
Chart of accounts Account group Name From account To account
AML SCPL Share Capital 100000 100099
AML RSPL Reserves & Surplus 100100 100199
AML ACDN Accumulated depreciation 100200 100299
AML SCLN Secured Loans 100300 100399
AML UNSL Unsecured loan 100400 100499
AML CLPL Current Liabilities and Provisions 100500 100599
AML FAST Fixed Assets 200000 200099
AML CAST Current Assets loans & Advances 200100 200199
AML SALE Sales 300000 300099
AML OTHER Other Income 300100 300199
AML INCR Increase / Decrease in stocks 300200 300299
AML RMCL Raw material consumption 400000 400099
AML PRSN Personnel cost 400100 400199
AML MFRG Manufacturing Expenses 400200 400299
AML ADMN Administration Expenses 400300 400399
AML INTR Interest 400400 400499
AML DEPR Depreciation 400500 400599
Select save button on Crtl+S
Select your request and press enter and save in your request
6 digits
1000000 100099 share capital 1000-1099 100000000-1000000099
Reserves & Surplus
Accumulated Depreciation
Unsecured loans
Current Liabilities & Provision
Fixed Assets
Afterwards we require liabilities account groups with 1 series –10 account groups.
How many groups we can crate with 1sries . available accounts (1999-1599)=400 accounts. New account groups with 1series we can create 400/100=4 groups .
Now we have to go for –5 series .
The user at the time of posting first the will give 1*
If the account is not there then he will check with 5*
When we use 6 digits:
Afterwards we require liabilities account groups with 1 series to 10 account groups. How many groups we can create with 1 series available accounts (199999-100599=99400) accounts.
For each account group we are assigning 100 accounts new account groups with 1 series. We can create 99400/100=944 accounts groups. 5/6/7/8/ digits.
Retained earnings accounts:
In the year end: P & L account balances transfer to surplus in P & L A/c Reserves & Surplus (100100-100199) Balance Sheet A/c balances –carry forward to next year as opening balance.
This is required in the year end and not during the implementation. SAP has made mandatory this step during the implementation. If the consultant does not do this step, we will have problems in the year end.
Though accounts are not yet created assign on account for retained earnings account purpose. We can specify retained earnings account any account number which is with in range 100100-100199.
Generally we specify the first account i.e.100100 as Retained earnings account and when we start creating the accounts the first account to be created is 100100 surplus in P & L Account.
Path: SPRO – Financial accounting – General ledger accounting – GL Accounts – Master Data – Preparations – Define retained earnings account.
Give you chart of accounts AML enter. The transaction code is OB53 .
Account assignment
P & L Statement type ‘X’
Account 100100
Select save button or Ctrl+S
We get a warning message account 100100 not created in chart of accounts AML.
Ignore the warning the message press enter. Press enter once again to save in the request.
Accounts creation is at end user area and the transaction code is FS00
P & L type Account No.
400300 Rent Account
P & L A/c X 100100
Balance Sheet A/c.
In the year end the balance will go to account no.100100
100000 Equity share capital
P & L A/c
Balance Sheet A/c. Select
In the year end the balance will go to the same account as opening balance 1 and 2 series for Balance Sheet Accounts 3 and 4 series for P & L Accounts.
a) Net operating profit (operating income – operating expenses.
b) Net non-operating profit (non-operating income non operating expenses)
400300 Rent account P & L Account No.
Select X 100100 Net operating profit
P & L Statement A/c type X Y 100101 Net non operating profit
Balance Sheet A/c. Profit
In the year end the balance will go to account no.100100
300100 profit or sale of shares.
P & L A/c.
P& L Statement A/c. type Y
In the year end the balance will go to account no.100101.
Fiscal year Fiscal year variant
Indian companies periods April to March +4 special periods V3
US Companies Jan to Dec.+4 Special Periods K4
July to June+4 Special periods V6
Oct. to Sep+4 special periods V9
April 2007 – March 2008 Accounting year 2007-08.
In SAP we will call it as fiscal year 2007.
July 2007-June 2008 Fiscal year 2007
Oct.2007 –Sep.2008 Fiscal year 2008
2007 2008 Fiscal year
April 2007-March 2008 9 3 2007
July 2007-June 2008 6 6 2007
October 2007-September 2008 3 9 2008
It is above 6 months in next year take next year otherwise same year.
April 2007 March 2008 Fiscal year 2007
1 12 13 14 15 16
(Normal periods) (Special periods)
For year end adjustment purpose SAP has given special periods .
Special periods are part of March
March will have total 5 periods 1noraml period 4 special periods.
To get the profitability and different stages SAP has given special periods.
Why special periods are required:
20th March 2008 we have declared profitability upto February 2008 to the management profitability figures should not be changed.
Users should be allowed to post transactions only for March 2008.
April 2007-March 2008 Fiscal year 2007.
Open periods March 2008-March 2008
For posting 12,2007 - 12,2007
No user can post transaction before March 2008 and after March 2008.
30.03.2008 April 2007- March 2008 Fiscal year 2007
April 2008- March 2009 Fiscal year 2008.
Open periods March 2008-March 2009
12,2007 -12,2008
15/04/2008 accounts dept. finalized profitability for the year ended 31/03/2008
Management adjustment entries
Entry Date 05/05/2008
Periods date 31/03/2008 to update last year ledger.
We get profitability finalized by management audits by Auditors.
20/05/2008 No.of ratification entries
Entry Date 22/05/2008
Posting date 31/03/2008 to update last year ledger.
We get profitability finalized by auditors. To day we want to see profitability finalized by accounts department . we can not got March 2008 includes normal entries .
Management adjustments and auditors rectification entries.
Auditor is asking to show rectification entries list we can not get the list separately.
To get profitability separately or to get the rectification entries list separately SAP has given special periods.
Usage of special periods is optional.
Special periods can come in the same month or different months.
Here stage means department profitability, Management profitability and Auditors profitability – the state can come in the same month or different months.
Accounts Dept. profitability April 2008
Management adjustments and
Auditors rectification entries May 2008
How special periods will be used:
April 2007-March 2008 Fiscal year 2007
20th March 2008 open periods for posting March 2008-March 2008
No user can post transactions
before March 2008 and after March 2008.
April 2007-March 2008 F.Y 2007
April 2008-March 2009 F.Y.2008
15/04/2008 accounts dep. finalized profitability for the year end 31/03/2008 Management adjustment entries.
05/05/2008 March 2008……..March 2009
Open periods 13,2007………12,2008
Entry date :05/05/2008
Posting date :31/03/2008 to update last year ledger period 13
We get profitability finalized by Management audit by a auditors.
22/05/2008 no.of rectification entries.
Open periods March 2008 …. March 2009
14,2007 …… 12,2008
Entry date :22/05/2008
Posting date :31/03/2008 to update last year ledger
Periods 14
We get profitability finalized by auditors.
Accounts dep. Profitability : 1-12
Management Profitability 1-13
Auditors finalized profitability 1-14
List of auditors rectification entries 14-14
SAP known only calendar year periods –we have to convert calendar year periods to our accounting year periods.
Month Days Periods Year shift
January 1 31 10 -1
February 2 29 11 -1
March 3 31 12 -1
April 4 30 1 0
May 5 31 2 0
June 6 30 3 0
July 7 31 4 0
August 8 31 5 0
September 9 30 6 0
October 10 31 7 0
November 11 30 8 0
December 12 31 9 0
April 2008
April 2008 – March 2009 F.Y.2008
In which year it is coming 2008
As which year we are calling in SAP 2008
Year shift 0
January 2009
In which year it is coming 2009
As which year we are calling in SAP 2008
Year shift -1
Posting 05/01/2009 update 2008
Ledger not 2009 ledger
Oct.2008-Sep 2009 F.Y.2009
Month Days Periods Year shift October 2008
1 31 4 0 In which year it is coming as which 2008
2 29 5 0 year we are calling in SAP 2009
3 31 6 0 year shift +1
4 30 7 0
5 31 8 0 January 2009
6 30 9 0 in which year it is coming 2009
7 31 10 0 as which year we are calling
8 31 11 0 in SAP 2008
9 30 12 0 year shift +1
10 31 1 0
11 30 2 0 posting 05/10/2008 update 2009 ledger
12 31 3 0 not 2008 ledger
Path : SPRO – Financial accounting – Financial accounting Global settings – Fiscal year – Maintain fiscal year variant (Maintain shortened fiscal year) (Trs.code is OB29
Select position button fiscal variant V3
Select fiscal variant V3
Double click on periods folder
Select back arrow
Select new entries button
FV : B1
Description April to March 4 Special periods
Do not select year depend check box
If we select year depend check box – when we save it will ask for year – when we give year 2008 – The conversion is applicable only for the year each year we have to create the conversion.
If we deselect year dependent check box – The conversion is common for all years.
Deselect calendar year check box
If we select calendar year check box – It takes
Month 1 (Jan)will be as period 1
Month 4(April ) wil be as period 4
Where as we require month 4(April) should be as period 1 so deselect calendar year check box.
No. of posting periods :12
No.of special periods :4
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Select your request press enter and press enter save in your request.
Select Fiscal year variant :B1
Double click on periods folder.
Select new entries button
First column Month
Second column Day
Third column Period
Last column Year shift
Month Day Period Year Shift
1 31 10 -1
2 29 11 -1
3 31 12 -1
4 30 1 0
5 31 2 0
6 30 3 0
7 31 4 0
8 31 5 0
9 30 6 0
10 31 7 0
11 30 8 0
12 31 9 0
Assign company code to a Fiscal year variant
Path: SPRO – Financial accounting – Global settings – Fiscal year – Assign company code to a Fiscal year variant (Tr.code is OB37)
Select position button
Give your company code:AML
For company code:AML
Assign fiscal variant :V3
Select save button
Ignore the warning message press enter and press enter to save in the request.
Fiscal year : April 2008 – March 2009 – F.Y 2008
August 2008 – March 2009
5,2008 – 12,2008
Open means: from August 2008
Close means: to March 2009
Company codes : AML ASL AIL
All company codes
Fallow the same
Open and close periods
Option 1
A) Define posting periods
Variant …………… X
B) Assign posting period
Variant to company codes
C) Define open and close periods for variant X
For X,5 2008 – 12,2008
Each company code
having separate open
And close posting period variant X Y Z
Assign posting period variant to company codes
X to AML Y to ASL Z to AIL
Period for variant
July 2008-March 2009 April 2008 to March 2009 Sep. 2008 to Sep. 2008
For X For Y For Z
04,2008 12,2008 06,2008
In this step we are defining which periods are open for posting.
Define variants for open posting periods:
Path : SPRO – Financial accounting global setting – Document – posting periods-Define variants for open posting periods
Select new entries button
Variant Name
AML posting period variant for AML
Ctrl+S, press enter in save
Assign posting period variant to company code:
Path : SPRO-Financial Accounting- Financial accounting global settings- Document – posting periods – assign posting period variant company code.
Select position button
Give the company code AML
For company code AML assign variant AML select save button or Ctrl+S
Press enter to save in your request.
Define open and closed posting periods for variant::
Path: SPRO – Financial accounting Global settings – Document – Posting periods- open and close posting periods.
Select new entries button.
Vare : Select AML
Account type (A): Select + (valid for all accounts type)
From Account Blank
To account Blank
From period one (1) 1
Year 2008
To period 12
Year (Fiscal year) 2008
From period2 13
Year 2008
To period 16
Year 2008
Second column is option (from period 2)
Authorization group (Au.Gr): Blank
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Select your request and press enter to save in your request.
Authorization Group:
This screen is required every month in production client nobody will have access for customization areas.
The same screen is given at user level when it is available at user level, the users will misuse.
SAP has given authorization group.
BASIS Administrator gives authorization group say X and X will be assigned to user IDs manager accounts and deputy manager accounts.
When we open the system with the above user IDs then only we can change the periods at the user level.
Posting periods entry at end user area:
Path: Accounting –Financial accounting –General Ledger - Environment –Current settings-open and close posting periods ( Transaction code :S_ALR_87003642)
Select position button
Posting period variant: AML
Document type and no. ranges
In normal accounting, account person only will pass all the entries. He will get voucher no’s continuously. In SAP voucher we call it as document.
FI Accounts Person MM Stores Person SD Sales Person
Material Receipt 1
Payment 2
Sales 3
Receipt 4
To get document number serially SAP has given document type
Doc.type SA RE RV
No.Range 01 02 03
No.Range interval 1-100000 100001-200000 200001-300000
We are getting the document no’s continuously by seeing the document number we can tell where it is generated.
In a year 100000 vouchers are consumed system gives a message we give available numbers 300001-400000
Path:SPRO-Financial accounting-Financial accounting Global settings –Document –Document Header-Define Document Types (Tr.code:OBA7)
Select position button
Document type select : SA
GL Account document
Select type :SA
Select details button (Ctrl+Shift+F2)
Number range :01
Select number range information button
Give the company code : AML
Select change intervals button (↓)
Select interval button
No.range :01
Year :2008
From number :1
To Number :100000
Current number :0
Deselect external(Ext) check box
If we select external check box, we have to give at the time of posting what should be the document number.
Select press enter.
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Ignore warning message press enter
Number range interval can’t be transported to production client – what ever number for development client for testing.
1. Consultant is an outsider – he does not know how many document numbers are required for each area.
2. All the departments want to have 1—100000 which is not possible. In live environment, before going live all the department heads sit together and decide for production client.
What should be FI document number
What should be MM document number
What should be SD document number.
SAP have given two options.
Opetion1: Year specific Option 2: Common to all years
01-2007-1-100000 500000 500001 01-9999-1-100000
01-2008-1-100000 3000 3001 53000-53001-53002
1st Entry
Date:24.09.2008 9999 means any year
Posting date:24.09.2008 in 2nd option we don’t know how many
2nd Entry
Entry date:29.09.2008 Documents we have posted for each year
Posting date:31.03.2008
Note: companies follow 1st option.
Field status variant and field status groups
At the time of posting on screen we get around 70 fields. Fields are quality, text (Narration), business area, value date
Debit 70 Filed
Credit 70 Filed
140 Filed
If we start filling up all the fields it takes so much time to post one document.
SAP has given a facility to make any filed as
1. Suppress 2. Required 3. Optional
1. Suppress: The filed will not be visible on screen a the time of posting.
2. Required: We have to enter values to the field compulsory. The field value will appear with question mark or tick mark-without entering the values we can not go to next screen.
3. Optional: The field will be visible on screen our choice to enter values or not the fields selection is not common to all accounts. It depends on the account what we are using. In case of sales account quantity filed is required. In case of repairs account quantity filed is not required, we have 1000 accounts – we have to create 1000 scenarios. In stead of creation of 1000 scenarios SAP have given field status groups.
Filed status Group Suppress required optional
Repairs A/c General
Equity share capital
Sales A/c materials quantity select
Purchase A/c
Cash A/c Bank Accounts
Bank A/c cost Accouts
1. When we create accounts we have to assign field status group.
2. For filed status group we is field is suspected and which filed is optional.
3. At the time of posting by the user-he gives the account number the screen will appear based on the fields selection to the field status group which is assigned in account number.
4. Filed status groups are created under field status variant and field status variant is assigned to company code / codes.
Cash account Dr
To Equity share capital
Bank accounts
Value date text Business area
Required Entry
Text Business area
Required entry
Screen layout at the time of posting
Path:SPRO- Financial accounting – Financial global settings – Document –Line item-Controls- Define filed status variants
Select field status variant 1000 that is IDES group
Select copy as button (F6)
Change filed status variant (FSTV) to AML
Change field status name to field status VAR for AML
Press enter
Select copy all button
We get a message number of dependent entries copies 47
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Select your request and press enter to save in your request.
Select field status variant : AML
Double click on field status groups folder
Double click field status on G001 that general (with,text, allocation)
Double click on General data
Text make it required entry filed
Select next group button
Select next page or page down button two times.
Business areas make it as required entry field
Double click on field status group G005
That is Bank A/c obligatory value date
Double click on General data
Text make it as required entry field
Select next group button
Select next page or page down button two times.
Business area make it as required entry field.
Select next group button two times,
Value date make it as required entry filed.
Value date( Effective date):
Term loan from IDBI :20.09.2008
Deposit by us in our bank :22.09.2008
Document date :22.09.2008
Posting date :22.09.2008
In SAP we have interest calculations, Interest calculations in our book from 22.09.2008 where as IDBI calculates from 20.09.2008. There will be mismatch.
Interest calculations:
Value date :Required entry filed
Document date :22.09.2008
Posting date :22.09.2008
Value date: 20.09.2008 field is modifiable after posting .
In our books also interest will be calculated from 20.09.2008
Value date :31.08.2008
Assign company code to field status variant :
Path: SPRO-Financial accounting-Financial accounting Global settings-Document – Line time-Controls-Assign company code to field status variants.
Select position button
Give the company code :AML
For company code :AML
Assign field status variant :AML
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Press enter to save in your request
General ledger, Accounts payable, Accounts receivable and Assets accounting
To do normal posting also, sales tax procedure is required.
A) Create procedure
B) Create tax codes
C) Create accounts
D) Design accounts
Assign for country in-tax US ( Sales tax USA)
Tax IN (sales tax India) Temporary assignment
For our company any code: Country IN
Note the path this one
SPRO-Financial accounting –Financial accounting global settings-Tax on sales / Purchases - Basic settings - Assign country calculation procedure
Select position button
Give the country IN for India
For country IN assign procedure TaxUS
Sales Tax – USA
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Press enter to save in your request.
This is two types
1.GL Accounts 2.Employee
a) Receipts / Payment transactions
b) Mandatory area
Retained area called open item management.
This is used for vendors, customers and balance sheet accounts where clearing is required.
Outstanding expenses A/c
Salaries 500000
Bank 15000 Rent 15000
Wages 100000
If we see the account in the month end or year end-we will have no of credits and no. of debits. We don’t know which item is pending and how much is pending.
As per SAP open item management –At the time of making payment –System will as against which provision we are making the payment. When we specify the payment is being made against rent provision. It clears the transaction.
The advantage is we can see the account in 3 ways.
1) If we select open items payable Eg.Salaries and Wages.
2) If we select cleared items :paid Eg.Rent and bank
3) If we select all items: Payable + paid
The same way we use for vendors and customers and also.
Vendors X A/c
Bank – For 1 100 1 1000
Bank –For 2 200 2 2000
Bank-For3 300 3 3000
Bank for 4 400 4 4000
Bank for 5 500 5 5000
Bill wise out standings we can see for vendor.
We can have tolerances (payment differences). It can be amount tolerance or percentage tolerance or both it can be debit amount or credit amount.
Outstanding expenses A/c
Salaries 500000
Rent 15000
Bank 15000 Wages 100000
Bank 100000 Commission 100005
There is difference of Rs.5 in the account for commission which need not be paid.
We can difference tolerances.
Group Amount percentage
A 100
B 5%
A) We have to assign tolerance group in account –in outstanding expenses A/c we have assigned tolerance group A
B) At the time of making payment system checks
Provision 100005
Payment 100000
Difference 5
If the difference of Rs.5 is within tolerance group amount. i.e.100 system will clear the provision and transfer to sundry balances written off account at time of making payment.
1. Tolerance group is given at account level and not at the transaction level.
Outstanding expenses A/c.
Diff to give
Salaries 500000 200
Bank 15000 Rent 15000 15
Wages 100000 500
Bank 100000 Commission 100005 100
2. There is not flexibility amount percentage tolerance group.
A 100
B 5%
C 0
Outstanding Expenses A/c.
Salaries 500000
Bank 15000 Rent 15000
Wages 100000
Bank 100000 Commission 100005
If we give tolerance group A in outstanding expenses account if the difference is less than tolerance group amount and transferring sundry balances written of account automatically.
When we give tolerance group C instead of A in outstanding expenses account.
Outstanding expenses A/c.
Bank 100000 Salaries 500000
Bank 15000 Rent 15000
Bank 100000 Commission 100005
Provision 100005
Payment 100000
Difference 5
Not payable payable
Transfer 5 Now Rs.100000 as part payment
To sundry balances off a/c and clear the transaction.
This is mandatory area.
Tolerance Group Amount Percentage
A 100
B 5%
Bank C 0
Instead of crating group C - keep the filed blank and give amount zero.
While creating 1000 GL accounts, Vendor accounts and customer accounts.
Keep tolerance group field blank, system expects we have created blank
Tolerance group and already assigned.
For our company code: we are creating bank tolerance group wit amount zero so that no need to assign.
Tolerance group while creating the accounts.
Path :SPRO – Financial accounting – General Leger Accounting –Business transactions-open item clearing –clearing difference- Define tolerance groups for G/L Accounts
Company code : AML
Tolerance group :Blank
Description :Tolerance group for AML
Debit posting :0
Credit posting :0
Debit percentage :0
Credit percentage :0
Select your request and press enter and save in your request.
Tolerance group for employees.
User wise upper limits for posting
Tolerance Group A B C
100000 100000 10000000 Amount per document
100000 100000 10000000 Amount per open item
account item
0 5 10 Cash Discount
0 0 0 Payment Differenced
We have 1000 users distance – we have to create 1000 scenarios (short cut method)
Accounts Dept:
1. City office cashier
2. Factory cashier
3. Branch cashier
4. Account 1 A
5. Account 2
6. Deputy Manager Accounts B
7. Manager Accounts
8. DGM Accounts C
In live environment / training institutes
SAP User AML A Blank
SAP User XYZ Use only A
SP user ABC Use only A
Path: SPRO-Financial Accounting –General Ledger Accounting –Business transactions – Open Item clearing - Clearing differences – Define tolerance groups for employees.
Select new entries button
Group : Blank
Company code : AML
Upper limits for posting
Amount per document (Maximum Amount 9999999999)
Amount per open item account item 9999999999 cash discount per line item 10
Permitted payment difference : Blank
Press enter to save in your request.
Path :SPRO-Financial accounting -Financial accounting global settings-Company code-Enter global parameters
Select position button
Give the company code :AML
Select company code :AML
Select details button (F2)
Select business area financial statements check box
Select propose fiscal check box
Select define default value date check box
Select negative posting permitted check box
Select addition data button
Company code : AML
Business Area : HYD BGL
Business place :City factory City office Factory
Permanent Account No. (PAN) – At company
Code level(Form 49A) 10 Digits Alpha numeric code
Tax Deduction at Source No (In SAP TDS No. / TAN) Form 49B -10 Digits alpha numeric code
At company code level / business area level / at business place level
(GIR No.: General Identification Number)
Select back arrow, then
Press enter to save in your request
Negative postings:
In case of reversals if we select negative postings check box it reduces from the same side.
In SAP, when we post a wrong entry, we can’t change the document. We have to go for reversal or pass rectification entry.
1. Equity share capital receipt:
Cash account Dr 400000
To Equity share capital 400000 Doc.No.1
2. Preference share capital receipt:
Cash account Dr 100000
To Equity share capital 100000 Doc No.2
3. Equity Share capital Dr 100000
To Cash account 100000 Doc.No.3
4.Cash Account Dr 100000
To Preference share Capital 100000 Doc No.4
3. Equity share capital Dr 100000
To Preference Share capital 100000 Doc.No.3
Account No.100000 Ledger summary
Company code AML
Fiscal year 2008
Period Debit Amount Credit Amount Balance Cumulative Balance
6 100000 500000 400000 Cr 400000 Cr
7 -100000
1 2 3
Cash flow statement Reversal without selecting negative postings Reversal by selecting negative postings Rectifications
Opening cash and bank balances
Add: Inflows Equity share capital
Preference share capital
Less:Out flows Equity share capital
Closing Cash and bank balances
wrong 0
correct 0
To check transport request::
Path: Tools – ABAP work bench-Overview-Transport Organization (Tr.Code :SE09)
Select find request (Ctrl+F)
Find company code (Ctrl+F)
Double click on define company code
1 2 3
Chart of Accounts level Company code level Centrally
1 GL Account Number Account currency
Chart of accounts fields
2 Company code Only balances in local currency
3 Account group Tolerance group +
4. Whether it s P & L Account Line item display Company code fields
5 Whether it is a Balance Sheet A/c Open item Management
6. Description
a) Short text – Max 20
b) Long text –Max20 Sort key
Field status group
Accounts to be created:
1. Surplus in P & L Account – Reserves & Surplus
2. Equity share capital – Share capital
3. Cash account –current assets, loans & advances
To check accounts groups for giving account numbers.
Path: SPRO – Financial Accounting – General ledger accounting – GL Accounts –Master Data- Preparations- Define Account group (Tr.Code:OBD4)
Select position button
Give your chart of accounts AML
Reserves & Surplus 100100-100199
Share capital 100000-100099
Cash account-current assets 200100-200199
1. To check account-Group for giving account numbers.
2. Creation of General
Path : Accounting-Financial accounting –General Ledger-Master records –GL Accounts-Individual Processing –Centrally (Tr. Code is FS00)
Give the GL account 100100
Company code AML
From the menu select -> GL Account create
Account group: select reserves & surplus
Select balance sheet account radio button
Short text: surplus in P & L Account
GL Account Large text: Surplus in profit & Loss Account
Select control data tab
Select only balances in local currency in check box
We have
Tolerance group: Blank
Select line item display check box
Short key select 001 posting data
Select create / bank / interest
Field status group G001 General (with text, allocation)
GL Account :100000
Company code : AML
Select with template button
GL Account :100100 (Surplus in P & L Account)
Company code : AML
By mistake save button
Your can not save
Change account group to Share capital
Select balance sheet a/c radio button
Change short text to equity Share capital
Change GL account long text to Equity share capital
Other filed common select save button
GL Account 200100
Company code :AML
Select with template button
Give the GL Account 100100 surplus in P & L account
Company code : AML
Change account group to current assets, loans & advances
Change short text to Cash account
Select balance sheet a/c radio button
Change GL account long text to Cash account
Select create / bank / interest tab
Change filed status group to G005 bank accounts (Obligatory value date)
Select relevant cash flow check box,
Select save button or Ctrl+S
To view the accounts created
Select drop down button beside GL account
Match Code:
Give the company code : AML
Short text : At the time of entry
GL account long text : At the time of General ledger display
Posting of transactions
Path: Accounting – Financial Accounting –General ledger –posting –General posting (Tr.Code is F-02)
Posting transaction :10/07/2008
Document date : In case of purchases document date will be party bill date- we can enter manually 30.09.2008 or select F4- It gives calendar and select F-2 – It selects today’s date .
Posting date : Ledger updation will be based on posting date period will appeal automatically based on
Posting date : 30.09.2008
Reference :Party bill No.
Doc No :1
Normal cases
Document date (F4) :30.09.2008
Posting date: will come automatically this is server date.
Type :SA
Company code :AML
Currency : INR
System does not know debits and credits to differentiate between debit and credit SAP
Has given posting keys
Posting key 40 GL account Debit
Positing key 50 GL Account Credit
Posting key: Select 40
Account select the drop down button
GL long text :*Cash*
Company code : AML
GL Account : Z*
Select account No.200100
200100 Cash account – Filed status GRP-G005
Text Business Area Value date Required
In enter global parameters select define default value date check box
Amount :400000
Business area :AMLH
Text : Equity share capital receipt
Posting key : Select 50
Account select drop down button
Give the company code AML and press enter
Select account :100000 Equity share capital
Press enter
Amount enter :*(star)
Note: * (star) Means debits and credits equal
Cash A/c Dr 500000
To Equity 300000
To Preference *
Business area :AMLH
Text Enter : +
‘ + ‘(plus) mean copies the last line item narration in the same document.
Salaries A/c Dr 100000
(Salaries provision for Sep.)
Wages A/c Dr
(Wages provision for Sep.)
To outstanding Exp
We can not use *
Press enter
From the menu select document simulate (Shift +F9)
In one document we can have 999 line items.
Debit will be posted without any assign and credit amount will be posted with minus sign.
Select save button or Ctr+S
We get a message document 1 was posted in company code:AML
How to view the last posted document 1.
From the menu select document display.
Select display document header button or (F5)
Display document
Path: Accounting – Financial accounting – General ledger-Document –Display (Tr.Code:FB03)
Select document list button
Give the company code :AML
Document type :SA
Select executive button (F8)
To view last one week posted document 24/09/2008 to 1/10/2008
Select execute button
To view self (documents posted by us)
Select own documents only check box
To view documents posted by a specific user
From the menu select –> Edit –> Dynamic –> Selections (Shift +F4)
User name :SAPUSER
Select execute (F8) button
Double click on document no.1
Change document :
Path: Accounting – Financial Accounting –General ledger-Document –Change (Tr.code is FB02)
Document No. :1
Company code :AML
Fiscal year :2008
Double click on first line item cash account
We can change only value date filed assignment filed and text filed.
Account display:
Path: Accounting – Financial Accounting –General ledger – Account – Display balances ( Tr.code is FS10N)
To view more than one account transactions select multiple selection button beside GL Account no.
We want to view random account numbers transactions.
Press select single value tab.
Give the account no.100100
Select copy button
To view continuous account numbers transactions
Press select intervals tab
Low limit :100000
Upper limit :100099
Select copy button
Account no.100050
To exclude an account from the range
Select exclude single value tab
Singe value : 100050
Select copy button
To exclude a range of accounts :select exclude intervals tab
Low limit :100050
Upper limit :100059
Select copy button
To view only one account
Select drop down button beside GL Account
Give the company code :AML
Select account no.100000 Equity share capital
Company code :AML
Fiscal year :2008
Business area :AMLH
Select execute (F8) button
Double lick on cumulate balance amount
Double click on document No.1
Select call up document overview button (F9)
Select back arrow (F3)
Document Number Posting date Text Amount
1 100000
2 200000
3 300000
Total Amount 600000
We can create our own line layout
How to create our own line layout:
Select change layout button (Ctrl+F8)
Select the filed which are not required
Select right arrow or hide selected fields button
From hidden fields column
Select posting date
Select left arrow show select fields button change column positions
Column Pos Length
Document No. 1 10
Amount in local currency 4 20
Text 3 35
Posting date 2 10
Change text length 35 characters for amount in local currency select total check box
Select copy button
How save the layout:
Select save layout button (Ctrl+S)
Option 1 Option 2
Common to User specific
A) Deselect user specific Check box A) Select user specific check box
B) We have to save with any number or name B) we can save will any number or
Layout : / AML
Deselect user – specific check box
Description : Standard layout for AML
Select save button
Select back arrow two times
Double click cumulate balance amount
How to choose our layout:
Press select layout button (Ctrl+S)
Select : AML
How to make default line layout:
From the menu select settings – layout - Administration
Keep the cursor on /AML
Select define default setting button
Select back arrow three times
Give the account no.200100 cash account
Execute (F8)
Double click on cumulative balance amount
Hold Document:
It is a temporary document
This is user for adjustment purpose or at the time of posting we do not know either debit or credit.
This document can be deleted there is no tracking for this document.
A) Loans to Directors
Create as hold document an once he gives money back delete the document.
B) Payment to a party –purpose of payment we don’t know
Cash balance = Account balance +/ Hold documents
Hold documents will not update records
1. Run a program called “RFTMBLU” for conversion of hold documents
2. Creation of hold documents
3. Delete / complete hold documents
1. Run a program called “RFTMBLU” for conversion of hold documents
Path : Tools – ABAP Workbench- Development –ABAP Editor (SE38)
Program : give the program name :RFTMBLU”
Select execute button
Select no. termination for read error check box
2. Creation of hold documents
Use the transaction code (F-02)
Document date : Today date
Type :SA
Company code: AML
Posting key :50
Account no. :200100 (cash account)
Give the amount : 5000
Business area :AMLH
Text :Amount paid to Mr.X
From the menu select document hold
Tem parry document No. :AML
Select hold document button
We get a message document AML was held
Give the document date: Today date
Type :SA
Company code :AML
Posting key : 40
Account 200100 (Cash account)
Give the amount 20000
Business area :AMLH
Text : Hold document testing
Posting key: : 50
Account no.: 100000 (Equity share capital)
Amount enter :* (Star)
Business area : AMLH
Text :+
From the menu select Document –> Hold
Give the temporary document no. 123456 (give any number)
Select hold document button
3. Delete / Complete hold document (F-02)
Use the transaction code f-02
From the menu select
Path :Document – Get held document –Select document list button
Keep the cursor on document number 123456
Select delete button
select yes button
select back arrow (F3)
select document list button
Keep the cursor on document no. :AML
select choose button
Give posting key :40
Account no. :100000 Equity share
Amount Enter :*(Star)
Business Area : AMLH
Text :+
From the menu select document –Simulate and save
Park Documents :
This is used for approvals Cashier
Enter the document he will park in the system Informs to SR person approval SR person he can make changes to the document form amount / Date / head of account before release
Accounts will not be updated And release document
Account will not be updated Once he release the document will be posted and updates records
1. Posting of packed document by cashier
2. Informed to Sr. person for release –Be cashier
3. Display packed document and change date and amount
4. After change, inform to Cashier about approval
5. Display changes to packed document
1. Posting of Packed Document
Path : Accounting – Financial accounting – General Ledger- Posting-General document parking (F-65)
Give the document date : Today date
Document type : SA
Company code : AML
Posting key :40
Account :200100 (Cash account)
Amount :9999
Business area : AMLH
Text : park document testing
Posting key: :50
Account :100000 (Equity share capital)
Amount enter : *(Star)
Business area :AMLH
Text : +
From the menu select – Document – Park document
2. Informed to Senior Person for release
From the menu select system –>short message
Give the title : Please release Doc.No.3
Receipt user id of Senior person (sap user)
Recipient type : Select SAP logon name
Select express mail check box (Screen down right side)
Select send button (Shift+F8)
From the menu select system –> Create session
4. Display packed document and change date and amount
Path :Accounting –Financial accounting – General ledger-Document – parked documents- post / delete (FBV0)
Select document list button
Give the company code :AML
Enter by user ID :Cashier
Execute (F8)
Double click on document no.3
To change the date
Select document header button
Change document date and posting date to 5.10.2008
Select back arrow
Select fast data enter button
Change amount 6000 Debit
6000 Credit
Select back arrow
From the menu select document post
Inform to cashier about approval
From the menu select –System –>Short message.
Title document no.3 released
Recipient User Id of Cashier
Recipient type
Select SAP logon name
Select express mail check box
Select send button (left side upper)
From the menu select system –> Create session
4 .Display changes to packed document
Path: Accounting –Financial accounting – General ledger-Document - Parked Documents-Display changes (FBV5)
Company code : AML
Document No :3
Fiscal year :2008
Select all changes button
Sample document:
This is used for month end provisions
Salaries A/c Dr. 100000
Rent Dr 50000
Wages Dr 500000
To outstanding 650000
Create a sample document and store in the system every month by coping sample document number and by changing date and amount we an post the provisions we will not forget any provisions.
1. Create 3GL masters
A) Salaries A/c Personnel cost
B) Rent A/c Administration
C) Outstanding expenses – Current liabilities & Provision
2. Difference no.range interval for no.range X2
3. Creation of sample document
4. posting of transaction by copying sample document
To check account groups for giving account numbers. The transaction code is OBD4
Select position button
Give the chart of accounts : AML
The personnel cost is 400100-400199
Administration range 400300-400399
Current liabilities & Provision range is 100500-100599
Creation of GL masters (FS00)
Give the GL Account 400100
Company code :AML
Select with template button
Give the GL Account 100000 (Equity share capital )
Company code :AML
Change account group to personnel cost (Staff cost)
Select P & L statement radio button
Change short text to Salaries A/c
Change long text to Salaries A/c
Other fields are common
Select save button or Ctr+S
GL A/c No: .400300
Company code :AML
Select with template button
Give the GL account :400100 salaries
Company code :AML
Change account group to Administration
Change short text to Rent account
Change long text to Rent account
Other fields are common
Select save button or Ctrl+S
GL Account :100500
Company code :AML
Select with template button
Give the GL account :100000 (Equity share capital)
Company code : AML
Change account group to Current liability & Provisions.
Change short text to Outstanding express
Change GL Account Outstanding express
Select control data tab
Select open item management check box
Define no. range interval for no. range X2:
Path: SPRO – Financial accounting –Financial accounting global settings – Document – Document number ranges- (Tr.Code is FBN1)
Give the company code :AML
Select change intervals button
Select interval button
No. range :X2
Year :2008
From number :500001
To number :500100
Enter & Save
Ignore the message press enter
Creation of sample document
Path: Accounting – Financial accounting – General ledger - Posting – Reference documents – Sample document (F-01)
Document date :30.09.2008
Posting date :30.09.2008
Type :SA
Company code :AML
Posting key :40
Accounting :400100 (salaries a/c)
Ignore the warning message ,press enter
Amount :500000
Business area : AMLH
Text : Salaries provision for the month
Posting key: :40
Account :400300 (Rent account)
Account :75000
Business area : AMLH
Text : Rent provision for the month
Posting key: :50
Account no. :100500 (out standing exp)
Amount enter : *
Business area :AMLH
Text : Provision for the month
Select save button or Ctrl+S
We get a message document 500001 was stored in company code : AML
5. Posting of transaction by coping sample document : F-02)
From the menu select document post with reference.
Give the document no. :500001
Company code :AML
Fiscal year :2008
Select display line items check box
Change the document date :31.10.2008
Posting date :31.10.2008
Ignore the warning message press enter
Change the amount to 600000
Text :Add October (Salaries for the month of October)
Amount :0
Line item having zero will not update records
Ignore the warning message
Amount enter :*(star )
For text : Add October
From the menu select document simulate
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Month end provisions:
Option 1: Option 2
Accrual / Deferral document Open item management
Option 1: Accrual Deferral document
31.10.2008 Salary provision
Salaries Dr 100000
To out standing 100000
01.11.2008 reversal next month 1st
Outstanding Dr 100000
To Salaries 100000
05.11.2008 Payment of salaries
Salaries Dr 105000
To Bank 105000
Salaries A/c
31.10.2008 100000
05.11.2008 105000 01.11.2008 100000
Outstanding Expenses A/c
31.10.2008 100000
01.11.2008 100000
Profitability effect::
For October 100000
For November because October 5000
Option 2: open item management
31.10.2008 Salaries provision
Salaries Dr 100000
To out standing 100000
05.11.2008 Salaries payment
Out standing Dr 100000
Salaries Dr 5000
To Bank 105000
Salaries A/c
31.10.2008 100000
05.11.2008 5000
Outstanding Expenses A/c
31.10.2008 100000
01/11/2008 100000
Profitability effect
For October 100000
For Nov. because of October salaries 5000
Companies follow 1st option (other than year end)
In case of option 2 – the person who makes the provision is accountant and the person who is making the payment and clearing is Cashier - Cashier has to track the provision and clear against the provision.
Option 1: Accrual / Deferral document :
1.Creation of reversal reason and reversal reason should allow us to reverse on any day.
2. Enter accrual / Deferral documents
A) Rent Provision 08.10.2008
B) Salary provision 31.10.2008
3.Reversal of accrual / deferral documents in one step
1.Creation of reversal reason and reversal reason should any day.
Path : SPRO- Financial accounting –General ledger accounting-Business transactions –Adjustment posting / Reversal - Define reason for reversal
Select new entries button
Reason :11
Text : Real / Deferral Reversal reason for AML
Select neg. posting check box
Select alternative position date check box
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Save in your request
If we do not select alternative posting date check box
Salaries Dr
To out standing
System will allow you to reverses only 31.10.2008
We want to reverse next month 1st select alternative posting date check box
Rent provision:
Path : Accounting – Financial Accounting – General ledger –Periodic processing – Closing – Valuate- Enter Accrual / Deferral Document (Tr.Code is FBS1)
Document date : Today date
Type :SA
Company code : AML
Reversal reason : Select 11
Reversal date :1.11.2008 (next months)
Posting key :40
Amount :400300 (Rent A/c)
Amount :50000
Business area :AMLH
Text : Rent provision for October
Posting key :50
Account no. :100500 (out standing exp)
Amount : *(star)
Business area : AMLH
Text :+
From the menu select document –>Simulate and save
Salaries provision:
Tr.Code is FBS1
Document date :3110.2008
Posting date :31.10.2008
Type :SA
Company code :AML
Reversal reason :11
Reversal date :01.11.2008
Posting key :40
Account :400100 (Salaries A/c)
Ignore the warning message press enter
Give the amount 100000
Business area AMLH
Text :Salaries provision for the month of October
Posting key 50
Account :100500 (outstanding exp.)
Amount : *
Business area :AMLH
Text :+
From the menu select document –> Simulate and save
SAP stands for System Application and Products in data Processing
FI stands for Financials
CO stands for Controlling
Version : ECC6
ECC stands for ERP Central Component
SAP was released in 1972 – It head quarters in Germany
What is ERP?
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource planning, it is integrated all functions in one system.
| | | |
Purchase Dept. Store Dept. Production Dept. Accounts Dept.
Will have no of departments in organization. ERP integrate all the functions into one system.
It will facilitate free flow of data among the departments.
Once stores person updates in the system – It can be shared by account person.
No mismatch in reporting – Data Source is only one once updation.
Store Department at Factory: Where the material is received are updates his records send the bill to account person.
Accounts department at City office : Pass an entry in the books
Duplicate job
Time gap.
ERP Packages:
SAP, Oracle, Financials, Peoples soft, BAAN , J.D.Edwards
1972- SAP R/1 – Real time data processing
1980-SAP – R/2 Included no.of countires and no.of currencies
1990 – SAP R/3- R/3 stands for
Data Structure
1.Application Server
2.Data based server
1999 – My – Web baed
2004 – Net weaver – Integrates information, people and process.
Areas to be covered under FI /CO
1. General Ledger accounting
2. Accounts payable
3. Accounts receivable
4. Asset accounting
1. Cost element accounting
2. Cost center accounting
3. Internal orders
4. Profit center accounting
5. Product costing
6. Profitability analysis
Integration of:
1. Material Management Module to Financials (MM to FI)
2. Sale & Distribution module to Financial module integrate (SD to FI)
3. Data take over(From Non-SAP to SAP)
4. Closing procedure
In all the module systems gives around 2000 reports
You can attaché the reports to favorites
Some important reports you can attach the reports on desk top.
Cross company code transactions:
India version: TDS , Excise and sales tax
Companies Act:1956: as per Schedule VI Balance sheet and Profit & Loss A/c
What are difference between SAP EE 4.7 and ECC 6.0?
SAP EE 4.7 SAP ECC 6.0
Stands for Enterprise Edition Stands for Enterprise Central Compound
No Netware concept (Offline) Netware concept (Online)
Segment wise report is not possible Is it possible
Only one currency Multiple ledgers in currencies
Document splitting
Foreign currency revaluation based on accounting principles
Role of FI /CO Consultant
1. Project Manger
2. Senior Consultant
3. Junior consultant (Each project 3 to 6 members)
4. Support Consultant (Eg.IBM, Accenture)
5. Core Team Members
6. End User
How to Open SAP
Open: Double lick on SAP Logon Icon
Double Click ECC 6 Server
First Screen:
First Field : Client :2 Clients
1. Development client
2. Production client
In the implementation SAP
1. Consultants
2. Company staff (Core Team Members)
The consultant they do the customization in development client
The company staff will do the testing.
The customization will be transferred to client through transport requests.
In the production client you enter day to day transaction.
Some companies they will give 3 clients:
1. Development client
2. Testing client
3. Production client
Client: 800/000/810 – You can copy and give any number
User: Cost of package will depend on the no.of users licenses.
100 users license –used by 1000 employees
It fixes the responsibility on employee.
User ID: SAP user: You can use small or capital letters (It’s not case sensitive)
Password: The length of password – Min3 – Max 8
(it can be numeric, Alpha Numeric , Alphabets, and Special characters.)
Password is not case sensitive
Not possible to change password more than once in a day
Latest 5 passwords can not be used
Password can not be restored
• Money is the password.
What is client?
Aravind Group Wipro
(Aravind Industries Ltd) (Consluting Firm)
(Aravind Steel Ltd)
To Purchase Sap Package From Sap India Bangalore Wipro Will Customize(Map) Aravind Requirement In SAP
Project Manager Project manager
Core team accounts manager FI Consultant
Cost accountant CO Consultant
Purchase Manager MM Consultant
Sales Manager SD Consultant
It staff ABAP programmer
BASIS Administrator
Aravind :Core Team As is Process_What Is Requested From SAP
Wipro :To Be Process What Should Be Done In SAP
Development Production
Client Client
Wipro Customization - Transport Request
Aravind Core Team - Testing
After testing by Aravind core team customization will be transported to production client through transport request
Production client is live client where we enter day to day transactions
If the consultant do customization once again in production client, if they commit any mistake all the postings will go wrong where as development client customization is tested customization by the Aravind core team and corrected by Wipro team.
We will not get any mistakes in the development client customization.
In live environment we should have minimum 2 clients some companies they keep 3 clients
Development Client Testing quality Client Production Client
Wipro Customization Transport Request ->
Aravind Core Team -> Testing
"When SAP is purchased from SAP India we get clients like 000,001,067 and 800" Basis consultant copies 000 client and give the number required by Aravind care team
Client :800 (Development Client)
User : Cost of package will be based on number of user licenses
User Id Creation Is The Job of BASIS Administrator
A) Cost Factor
B) User Id Fixes Responsibility on Employee
SAP User: It Is Not Case sensitive (Capital Letters Or Small Letters)
Password: Password Is Case Sensitive (From Ecc 5 Onwards)
Length of Password: Minimum 6 Maximum 40
"We can use alphabets, Numerical, alphanumeric, special characters-like"
Not possible to change password more than once in a day.
System will not permit to use latest previous 5 passwords
EG: 1.09.2008 ABC123
5.09.2008 XYZABC
12.09.2008 ABC123 system will not permit
Password can not be restored
BASIS Administrator deletes old password and gives a new password : oracle
Language : 41 Languages
If we do not specify any language it takes English by default or we can use EN for English
If we user id : The menu will be in German
Client: 800
Password: oracle
Press enter
Now open SAP
Select and choose the radio button depend on necessity.
Employee1 Employee2
1st Radio button Can not work Can work
2nd Radio button Work Can work
3rd Radio button Can work Can not work
In training institutes we have to select 2nd radio button
1st raw is called menu bar
Menu Edit ,Favorites ,Extras
2nd raw is called standard tool bar
3rd row is called in title bar
4th is called application tool bar
5th & last is called status bar
The second row the tick is called enter, beside tick box is called is command field."
One employee can work in number of sessions (windows) at a time -the maximum is 6 sessions
How to create a new session?
Path: From the menu bar - Select system- Create session
To move from one session to another session (alt+tab)
How to end session?
Path :From the menu bar - select system- End session
To view which version we are using?
Path : From menu bar - Select system- Status-Sap system data
How to use transaction codes (T/C)?
We want posting of transaction.
option-1 option-2
Go through the path and post Use transaction code in command field
the transaction and press enter
Path: Accounting --> Financial accounting we can create our own transaction
-> General ledger-->Posting ->General posting codes they should start with Y or Z
To go back to SAP easy access screen:
Use: /n in command field and press enter.
For Posting Transaction:
Document (Voucher) entry Account display (FS10N)
After posting we want to view the ledger.
a) Use:/n (changing) in command field and enter - to back to sap easy access screen
b) Use FS10N in command field and press enter- to go to account display
use:/NFS10N in command field and press enter change session with new transaction code.
use /OFS10N in command field and press enter- create session with new transaction code.
./N for change
./O for create
How to activate transaction codes in sap menu?
Path :From the menu bar - select extras - Settings - Display technical names- Enter
To make one screen as beginning screen
Path: From menu bar select extras - set start transactions (transaction code is F-02)
Give a message transaction F-02 set as start transaction
Path: From the menu bar select system - log off - select ‘yes’ button for the message to logoff
Select yes button to log off
At the time of customization -screen will come with display mode not enter mode
Path:Tools-Administrator- Monitor-Lock entries (tr.code is SM12)
Select list button- Message - No lock entries found
Path: From the menu bar select lock entry- Delete all-select’ yes’ button for the message
Delete all lock entries - Enter.
Organization structure:
| |
Group Company
| |
Company Company code
| |
Units Businesses Area
Creation of Project: Group --> Companies Units
In SAP – Group is called as company
Company is called as company code
Unit is called as Business area
| | |
Aravind Mills Ltd(AML) Aravind Steels Ltd(ASL) Aravind Industries ltd(AIL)
| | | | | |
FI consultant will do customization at company code level -company or group is only for information.
We do customization for Aravind Mills Ltd after words we copy customization including accounts to other company codes in one step and make modifications where ever required.
Path: Tools - Customizing –IMG (implementation guide) - Execute project (trns.code SPRO)
SPRO stands for SAP Project Reference Object
Select SAP reference IMG button : This is called customization area or configuration area or implementation area
Path:SPRO- Enterprise structure - Definition - Financial accounting - Define company ( Tr code is OX15)
It we select IMG activity documentation button: It gives description part about company
To select IMG activity button: To do customization
Select IMG activity button
Select new entries button
Company : AVG
Company name :Aravind group
name of company2 :blank
street :Ameerpet
postal code :500034
country :For country select dropdown(pull down) button, select in for india"
Language key :select drop down button select EN for English
Currency :For currency select drop down button here 218.
Select INR for Indian rupees
Select save button or Ctrl+s
Development client production client
consultant - Customization Transport request→
By default it gives the latest request we have to create our own request and afterwards to transport to production client
For each step we need not create separate request.
For Basic settings :1st request
For General ledger :2nd request
For Account payable :3rd request
For Accounts receivable :4th request
For Asset accounting :5th request
For Controlling :6th request
Select create request button (F8)
Give the short description :FI basic settings for Aravind Mills Ltd
Press enter
Press enter once again to save in the request. We get a message data was saved: Data was saved in two places:1.Development client 800 2. In Transport request
2.DEFINE COMPANY CODE: ( Tr code is OX02)
Path: Tools - Customizing - IMG- executive project (SPRO)
Select sap reference button IMG
SPRO - path upto select sap reference IMG button is same.
Consultant job End user job
Note the path SPRO
Path: Enterprise structure - Definition- financial accounting - edit, copy, delete, check company code
Edit company code data
Select new entries button
Give company code :AML
City :Hyderabad
Country :IN
Currency :INR
Language :EN
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Title :Select company
Name :Aravind mills ltd
Street :Ameerpet
Post code :500034
City :Hyderabad
Country :IN
Press enter
To select our request number select dropdown button beside request number.
We can see here number of requests.
Select request number by seeing the description.
Press enter to save in the request.
Description can be same should be different
Path: SPRO - Enterprise structure - Assignment - Financial accounting - Assign company code to company ( Tr code is OX16)
Select position button give the company code AML enter
For company AML assign company AVG
Select save button or Crtl+S
Select dropdown beside request number
Select your request number
Press enter to save in the request
4.Define Business Areas
path: SPRO- Enterprise structure- Definition -financial accounting- define business area ( Tr code is OX03)
Select new entries button
Business area: AMLH
Description :Hyderabad AML
Bangalore business area link this number
Select save button or C trl+s
Press enter to save in your request
*Assignment of business areas to company code is not required
Aravind Group
Aravind Mills Ltd Aravind Steels Ltd Aravind Industries ltd
| | |
AML accounts person ASL accounts person
At the time of posting
Company code : AML ASL
Business area : HYD HYD
* Without giving company code we can not pass to business area
At the time of request generation:
Company code AML ASL
Business area HYD HYD
We get HYD data of company HYD data of company
Code AML only code ASL only
Some business area can be used by number of company codes in the client assignment of business area to company code is not required.
HYD incharge for AML, ASL and AIL in the report
Company code AML +ASL+AIL
Business area HYD
Hyderabad data for all company codes we have Hyderabad business area separately for each company code.
HYD Hyderabad business area
HYD1 Hyderabad business area
HYD2 Hyderabad business area
AML accounts person
Company code :AML ASL
Business area :HYD/HYD1 HYD1/HYD2
There will be a mixup
Company Codes: AML ASL AIL
when we want to compare or consolidate
we can have same set of accounts
(chart of accounts) -i.e.,
Accounts coding will be same.
Conveyance account no. 400000 400000 400000
Each company code has their on
set of accounts conveyance account no. 400000 400000 400000
Compare or consolidate by using group 400000 300000 200000
Chart of Accounts
when we create conveyance account no
we use 2 numbers
Company code no. 400000 300000 100000
Group no. 100000 100000 100000
We are comparing or consolidating by using group account number.
Companies following option1
Chart of Accounts name
Description of chart of accounts
Maintenance language English
Length of account number most 10 digits (we are using 6 digits)
path: SPRO - Financial accounting- General ledger accounting - GL accounts - Master Data-Preparation - Edit chart of accounts list (TR.CODE.OB13
The other way to give transaction code is from the menu bar -> Select system - Status
Select new entries button.
Chat of accounts :AML
Description :Chart of Accounts for Aravind group
Maintenance language :English
Length of GL account no. :6 (min 6 max 10)
Controlling integration :select manual creation of cost elements
Group chart of accounts :Blank
Under status deselect blocked check box (do not select blocked check box)
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Select your request and press enter to save in your request
Controlling integration: select manual creation of cost elements.
FI (Financials) CO (Controlling)
When we past to expenditure accounts in FI it updates, CO automatically provided. We create expenditure accounts as cost elements.
All expenditure accounts need not be cost elements expenditure accounts like interest, Depreciation, Non-operating expenses -will not be consolidated for costing -they are debatable.
Cost elements creation
Manual Automatic
When we select manual, when expenditure account is created and posted in FI, we want that expenditure to update co-create that expenditure account as CO element. If we do not want to update co-records that expenditure create expenditure account only and not to create as cost element -here we have flexibility. If we choose automatic, when we create an expenditure account automatically cost element will be created. When we post to that expenditure account in FI, automatically CO records will be updated-no flexibility.
Accounts creation is at end user area, users at the time of posting, they will not check whether account is there as not they create new account and post accounts.
We will have number of duplicate accounts in SAP once we create an account and past transaction-IT can not be deleted
In live environment after up leading accounts - select blocked check box. No body can create any account whether original account or duplicate account. When there is a necessity to create a new account an authorized person say accounts manager deselects the blocked check box, create the account and afterwards select blocked check box.
We have to create the accounts now. We are deselecting the blocked check box.
path: SPRO- Financial accounting - General ledger accounting- GL Accounting- Master data-Preparation-Assign company code to chart of accounts. (Tr.code OB62)
Select position button
Give the company code : AML
For company code AML assign chart of accounts AML
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Press enter to save in your request.
Accounts groups
100000 Equity share capital
100001 Cash account
100002 Preference share capital
100003 SBI current Account
We have created 1000 accounts
We want to view current assets balance or transaction.
We can not get directly-we have to verify each and every account and add the respective accounts- in this example account no.100001 and 100003
We are preparing balance sheet on liabilities we have items like share capital, Reserves & surplus-We have to verify each and every account and assign to the respective items-it takes so much time to assign accounts.
To get account balances directly or to assign accounts easily SAP has given account groups.
Chart of accounts AML
Accounts groups Share capital (100000 - 100099)
| |
Accounts Current assets (200000-200099)
When we create the accounts, we create within the range. Cash account will be created within the range of 200000-200099."
Equity share capital will be created within the range of 100000-100099.
When we want to see current assets balances-we give current assets or at the time of crating balance sheet for Share capital-we give the range 100000-100099
While crating account groups we take client's balance sheet and crate the groups-after implementation also we wants to see the way he used to get.
1 Series for liabilities
2.Series for assets
3.Series for income
4.Series for expenditure
We have 1000 accounts the user at the time of posting to expenditure account he need not see all accounts he gives 4 only expenditure accounts will appear.
path: SPRO-Financial accounting-General ledger accounting- GL accounts-master data-preparations-Define account group
select new entries button
Chart of accounts Account group Name From account To account
AML SCPL Share Capital 100000 100099
AML RSPL Reserves & Surplus 100100 100199
AML ACDN Accumulated depreciation 100200 100299
AML SCLN Secured Loans 100300 100399
AML UNSL Unsecured loan 100400 100499
AML CLPL Current Liabilities and Provisions 100500 100599
AML FAST Fixed Assets 200000 200099
AML CAST Current Assets loans & Advances 200100 200199
AML SALE Sales 300000 300099
AML OTHER Other Income 300100 300199
AML INCR Increase / Decrease in stocks 300200 300299
AML RMCL Raw material consumption 400000 400099
AML PRSN Personnel cost 400100 400199
AML MFRG Manufacturing Expenses 400200 400299
AML ADMN Administration Expenses 400300 400399
AML INTR Interest 400400 400499
AML DEPR Depreciation 400500 400599
Select save button on Crtl+S
Select your request and press enter and save in your request
6 digits
1000000 100099 share capital 1000-1099 100000000-1000000099
Reserves & Surplus
Accumulated Depreciation
Unsecured loans
Current Liabilities & Provision
Fixed Assets
Afterwards we require liabilities account groups with 1 series –10 account groups.
How many groups we can crate with 1sries . available accounts (1999-1599)=400 accounts. New account groups with 1series we can create 400/100=4 groups .
Now we have to go for –5 series .
The user at the time of posting first the will give 1*
If the account is not there then he will check with 5*
When we use 6 digits:
Afterwards we require liabilities account groups with 1 series to 10 account groups. How many groups we can create with 1 series available accounts (199999-100599=99400) accounts.
For each account group we are assigning 100 accounts new account groups with 1 series. We can create 99400/100=944 accounts groups. 5/6/7/8/ digits.
Retained earnings accounts:
In the year end: P & L account balances transfer to surplus in P & L A/c Reserves & Surplus (100100-100199) Balance Sheet A/c balances –carry forward to next year as opening balance.
This is required in the year end and not during the implementation. SAP has made mandatory this step during the implementation. If the consultant does not do this step, we will have problems in the year end.
Though accounts are not yet created assign on account for retained earnings account purpose. We can specify retained earnings account any account number which is with in range 100100-100199.
Generally we specify the first account i.e.100100 as Retained earnings account and when we start creating the accounts the first account to be created is 100100 surplus in P & L Account.
Path: SPRO – Financial accounting – General ledger accounting – GL Accounts – Master Data – Preparations – Define retained earnings account.
Give you chart of accounts AML enter. The transaction code is OB53 .
Account assignment
P & L Statement type ‘X’
Account 100100
Select save button or Ctrl+S
We get a warning message account 100100 not created in chart of accounts AML.
Ignore the warning the message press enter. Press enter once again to save in the request.
Accounts creation is at end user area and the transaction code is FS00
P & L type Account No.
400300 Rent Account
P & L A/c X 100100
Balance Sheet A/c.
In the year end the balance will go to account no.100100
100000 Equity share capital
P & L A/c
Balance Sheet A/c. Select
In the year end the balance will go to the same account as opening balance 1 and 2 series for Balance Sheet Accounts 3 and 4 series for P & L Accounts.
a) Net operating profit (operating income – operating expenses.
b) Net non-operating profit (non-operating income non operating expenses)
400300 Rent account P & L Account No.
Select X 100100 Net operating profit
P & L Statement A/c type X Y 100101 Net non operating profit
Balance Sheet A/c. Profit
In the year end the balance will go to account no.100100
300100 profit or sale of shares.
P & L A/c.
P& L Statement A/c. type Y
In the year end the balance will go to account no.100101.
Fiscal year Fiscal year variant
Indian companies periods April to March +4 special periods V3
US Companies Jan to Dec.+4 Special Periods K4
July to June+4 Special periods V6
Oct. to Sep+4 special periods V9
April 2007 – March 2008 Accounting year 2007-08.
In SAP we will call it as fiscal year 2007.
July 2007-June 2008 Fiscal year 2007
Oct.2007 –Sep.2008 Fiscal year 2008
2007 2008 Fiscal year
April 2007-March 2008 9 3 2007
July 2007-June 2008 6 6 2007
October 2007-September 2008 3 9 2008
It is above 6 months in next year take next year otherwise same year.
April 2007 March 2008 Fiscal year 2007
1 12 13 14 15 16
(Normal periods) (Special periods)
For year end adjustment purpose SAP has given special periods .
Special periods are part of March
March will have total 5 periods 1noraml period 4 special periods.
To get the profitability and different stages SAP has given special periods.
Why special periods are required:
20th March 2008 we have declared profitability upto February 2008 to the management profitability figures should not be changed.
Users should be allowed to post transactions only for March 2008.
April 2007-March 2008 Fiscal year 2007.
Open periods March 2008-March 2008
For posting 12,2007 - 12,2007
No user can post transaction before March 2008 and after March 2008.
30.03.2008 April 2007- March 2008 Fiscal year 2007
April 2008- March 2009 Fiscal year 2008.
Open periods March 2008-March 2009
12,2007 -12,2008
15/04/2008 accounts dept. finalized profitability for the year ended 31/03/2008
Management adjustment entries
Entry Date 05/05/2008
Periods date 31/03/2008 to update last year ledger.
We get profitability finalized by management audits by Auditors.
20/05/2008 No.of ratification entries
Entry Date 22/05/2008
Posting date 31/03/2008 to update last year ledger.
We get profitability finalized by auditors. To day we want to see profitability finalized by accounts department . we can not got March 2008 includes normal entries .
Management adjustments and auditors rectification entries.
Auditor is asking to show rectification entries list we can not get the list separately.
To get profitability separately or to get the rectification entries list separately SAP has given special periods.
Usage of special periods is optional.
Special periods can come in the same month or different months.
Here stage means department profitability, Management profitability and Auditors profitability – the state can come in the same month or different months.
Accounts Dept. profitability April 2008
Management adjustments and
Auditors rectification entries May 2008
How special periods will be used:
April 2007-March 2008 Fiscal year 2007
20th March 2008 open periods for posting March 2008-March 2008
No user can post transactions
before March 2008 and after March 2008.
April 2007-March 2008 F.Y 2007
April 2008-March 2009 F.Y.2008
15/04/2008 accounts dep. finalized profitability for the year end 31/03/2008 Management adjustment entries.
05/05/2008 March 2008……..March 2009
Open periods 13,2007………12,2008
Entry date :05/05/2008
Posting date :31/03/2008 to update last year ledger period 13
We get profitability finalized by Management audit by a auditors.
22/05/2008 no.of rectification entries.
Open periods March 2008 …. March 2009
14,2007 …… 12,2008
Entry date :22/05/2008
Posting date :31/03/2008 to update last year ledger
Periods 14
We get profitability finalized by auditors.
Accounts dep. Profitability : 1-12
Management Profitability 1-13
Auditors finalized profitability 1-14
List of auditors rectification entries 14-14
SAP known only calendar year periods –we have to convert calendar year periods to our accounting year periods.
Month Days Periods Year shift
January 1 31 10 -1
February 2 29 11 -1
March 3 31 12 -1
April 4 30 1 0
May 5 31 2 0
June 6 30 3 0
July 7 31 4 0
August 8 31 5 0
September 9 30 6 0
October 10 31 7 0
November 11 30 8 0
December 12 31 9 0
April 2008
April 2008 – March 2009 F.Y.2008
In which year it is coming 2008
As which year we are calling in SAP 2008
Year shift 0
January 2009
In which year it is coming 2009
As which year we are calling in SAP 2008
Year shift -1
Posting 05/01/2009 update 2008
Ledger not 2009 ledger
Oct.2008-Sep 2009 F.Y.2009
Month Days Periods Year shift October 2008
1 31 4 0 In which year it is coming as which 2008
2 29 5 0 year we are calling in SAP 2009
3 31 6 0 year shift +1
4 30 7 0
5 31 8 0 January 2009
6 30 9 0 in which year it is coming 2009
7 31 10 0 as which year we are calling
8 31 11 0 in SAP 2008
9 30 12 0 year shift +1
10 31 1 0
11 30 2 0 posting 05/10/2008 update 2009 ledger
12 31 3 0 not 2008 ledger
Path : SPRO – Financial accounting – Financial accounting Global settings – Fiscal year – Maintain fiscal year variant (Maintain shortened fiscal year) (Trs.code is OB29
Select position button fiscal variant V3
Select fiscal variant V3
Double click on periods folder
Select back arrow
Select new entries button
FV : B1
Description April to March 4 Special periods
Do not select year depend check box
If we select year depend check box – when we save it will ask for year – when we give year 2008 – The conversion is applicable only for the year each year we have to create the conversion.
If we deselect year dependent check box – The conversion is common for all years.
Deselect calendar year check box
If we select calendar year check box – It takes
Month 1 (Jan)will be as period 1
Month 4(April ) wil be as period 4
Where as we require month 4(April) should be as period 1 so deselect calendar year check box.
No. of posting periods :12
No.of special periods :4
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Select your request press enter and press enter save in your request.
Select Fiscal year variant :B1
Double click on periods folder.
Select new entries button
First column Month
Second column Day
Third column Period
Last column Year shift
Month Day Period Year Shift
1 31 10 -1
2 29 11 -1
3 31 12 -1
4 30 1 0
5 31 2 0
6 30 3 0
7 31 4 0
8 31 5 0
9 30 6 0
10 31 7 0
11 30 8 0
12 31 9 0
Assign company code to a Fiscal year variant
Path: SPRO – Financial accounting – Global settings – Fiscal year – Assign company code to a Fiscal year variant (Tr.code is OB37)
Select position button
Give your company code:AML
For company code:AML
Assign fiscal variant :V3
Select save button
Ignore the warning message press enter and press enter to save in the request.
Fiscal year : April 2008 – March 2009 – F.Y 2008
August 2008 – March 2009
5,2008 – 12,2008
Open means: from August 2008
Close means: to March 2009
Company codes : AML ASL AIL
All company codes
Fallow the same
Open and close periods
Option 1
A) Define posting periods
Variant …………… X
B) Assign posting period
Variant to company codes
C) Define open and close periods for variant X
For X,5 2008 – 12,2008
Each company code
having separate open
And close posting period variant X Y Z
Assign posting period variant to company codes
X to AML Y to ASL Z to AIL
Period for variant
July 2008-March 2009 April 2008 to March 2009 Sep. 2008 to Sep. 2008
For X For Y For Z
04,2008 12,2008 06,2008
In this step we are defining which periods are open for posting.
Define variants for open posting periods:
Path : SPRO – Financial accounting global setting – Document – posting periods-Define variants for open posting periods
Select new entries button
Variant Name
AML posting period variant for AML
Ctrl+S, press enter in save
Assign posting period variant to company code:
Path : SPRO-Financial Accounting- Financial accounting global settings- Document – posting periods – assign posting period variant company code.
Select position button
Give the company code AML
For company code AML assign variant AML select save button or Ctrl+S
Press enter to save in your request.
Define open and closed posting periods for variant::
Path: SPRO – Financial accounting Global settings – Document – Posting periods- open and close posting periods.
Select new entries button.
Vare : Select AML
Account type (A): Select + (valid for all accounts type)
From Account Blank
To account Blank
From period one (1) 1
Year 2008
To period 12
Year (Fiscal year) 2008
From period2 13
Year 2008
To period 16
Year 2008
Second column is option (from period 2)
Authorization group (Au.Gr): Blank
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Select your request and press enter to save in your request.
Authorization Group:
This screen is required every month in production client nobody will have access for customization areas.
The same screen is given at user level when it is available at user level, the users will misuse.
SAP has given authorization group.
BASIS Administrator gives authorization group say X and X will be assigned to user IDs manager accounts and deputy manager accounts.
When we open the system with the above user IDs then only we can change the periods at the user level.
Posting periods entry at end user area:
Path: Accounting –Financial accounting –General Ledger - Environment –Current settings-open and close posting periods ( Transaction code :S_ALR_87003642)
Select position button
Posting period variant: AML
Document type and no. ranges
In normal accounting, account person only will pass all the entries. He will get voucher no’s continuously. In SAP voucher we call it as document.
FI Accounts Person MM Stores Person SD Sales Person
Material Receipt 1
Payment 2
Sales 3
Receipt 4
To get document number serially SAP has given document type
Doc.type SA RE RV
No.Range 01 02 03
No.Range interval 1-100000 100001-200000 200001-300000
We are getting the document no’s continuously by seeing the document number we can tell where it is generated.
In a year 100000 vouchers are consumed system gives a message we give available numbers 300001-400000
Path:SPRO-Financial accounting-Financial accounting Global settings –Document –Document Header-Define Document Types (Tr.code:OBA7)
Select position button
Document type select : SA
GL Account document
Select type :SA
Select details button (Ctrl+Shift+F2)
Number range :01
Select number range information button
Give the company code : AML
Select change intervals button (↓)
Select interval button
No.range :01
Year :2008
From number :1
To Number :100000
Current number :0
Deselect external(Ext) check box
If we select external check box, we have to give at the time of posting what should be the document number.
Select press enter.
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Ignore warning message press enter
Number range interval can’t be transported to production client – what ever number for development client for testing.
1. Consultant is an outsider – he does not know how many document numbers are required for each area.
2. All the departments want to have 1—100000 which is not possible. In live environment, before going live all the department heads sit together and decide for production client.
What should be FI document number
What should be MM document number
What should be SD document number.
SAP have given two options.
Opetion1: Year specific Option 2: Common to all years
01-2007-1-100000 500000 500001 01-9999-1-100000
01-2008-1-100000 3000 3001 53000-53001-53002
1st Entry
Date:24.09.2008 9999 means any year
Posting date:24.09.2008 in 2nd option we don’t know how many
2nd Entry
Entry date:29.09.2008 Documents we have posted for each year
Posting date:31.03.2008
Note: companies follow 1st option.
Field status variant and field status groups
At the time of posting on screen we get around 70 fields. Fields are quality, text (Narration), business area, value date
Debit 70 Filed
Credit 70 Filed
140 Filed
If we start filling up all the fields it takes so much time to post one document.
SAP has given a facility to make any filed as
1. Suppress 2. Required 3. Optional
1. Suppress: The filed will not be visible on screen a the time of posting.
2. Required: We have to enter values to the field compulsory. The field value will appear with question mark or tick mark-without entering the values we can not go to next screen.
3. Optional: The field will be visible on screen our choice to enter values or not the fields selection is not common to all accounts. It depends on the account what we are using. In case of sales account quantity filed is required. In case of repairs account quantity filed is not required, we have 1000 accounts – we have to create 1000 scenarios. In stead of creation of 1000 scenarios SAP have given field status groups.
Filed status Group Suppress required optional
Repairs A/c General
Equity share capital
Sales A/c materials quantity select
Purchase A/c
Cash A/c Bank Accounts
Bank A/c cost Accouts
1. When we create accounts we have to assign field status group.
2. For filed status group we is field is suspected and which filed is optional.
3. At the time of posting by the user-he gives the account number the screen will appear based on the fields selection to the field status group which is assigned in account number.
4. Filed status groups are created under field status variant and field status variant is assigned to company code / codes.
Cash account Dr
To Equity share capital
Bank accounts
Value date text Business area
Required Entry
Text Business area
Required entry
Screen layout at the time of posting
Path:SPRO- Financial accounting – Financial global settings – Document –Line item-Controls- Define filed status variants
Select field status variant 1000 that is IDES group
Select copy as button (F6)
Change filed status variant (FSTV) to AML
Change field status name to field status VAR for AML
Press enter
Select copy all button
We get a message number of dependent entries copies 47
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Select your request and press enter to save in your request.
Select field status variant : AML
Double click on field status groups folder
Double click field status on G001 that general (with,text, allocation)
Double click on General data
Text make it required entry filed
Select next group button
Select next page or page down button two times.
Business areas make it as required entry field
Double click on field status group G005
That is Bank A/c obligatory value date
Double click on General data
Text make it as required entry field
Select next group button
Select next page or page down button two times.
Business area make it as required entry field.
Select next group button two times,
Value date make it as required entry filed.
Value date( Effective date):
Term loan from IDBI :20.09.2008
Deposit by us in our bank :22.09.2008
Document date :22.09.2008
Posting date :22.09.2008
In SAP we have interest calculations, Interest calculations in our book from 22.09.2008 where as IDBI calculates from 20.09.2008. There will be mismatch.
Interest calculations:
Value date :Required entry filed
Document date :22.09.2008
Posting date :22.09.2008
Value date: 20.09.2008 field is modifiable after posting .
In our books also interest will be calculated from 20.09.2008
Value date :31.08.2008
Assign company code to field status variant :
Path: SPRO-Financial accounting-Financial accounting Global settings-Document – Line time-Controls-Assign company code to field status variants.
Select position button
Give the company code :AML
For company code :AML
Assign field status variant :AML
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Press enter to save in your request
General ledger, Accounts payable, Accounts receivable and Assets accounting
To do normal posting also, sales tax procedure is required.
A) Create procedure
B) Create tax codes
C) Create accounts
D) Design accounts
Assign for country in-tax US ( Sales tax USA)
Tax IN (sales tax India) Temporary assignment
For our company any code: Country IN
Note the path this one
SPRO-Financial accounting –Financial accounting global settings-Tax on sales / Purchases - Basic settings - Assign country calculation procedure
Select position button
Give the country IN for India
For country IN assign procedure TaxUS
Sales Tax – USA
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Press enter to save in your request.
This is two types
1.GL Accounts 2.Employee
a) Receipts / Payment transactions
b) Mandatory area
Retained area called open item management.
This is used for vendors, customers and balance sheet accounts where clearing is required.
Outstanding expenses A/c
Salaries 500000
Bank 15000 Rent 15000
Wages 100000
If we see the account in the month end or year end-we will have no of credits and no. of debits. We don’t know which item is pending and how much is pending.
As per SAP open item management –At the time of making payment –System will as against which provision we are making the payment. When we specify the payment is being made against rent provision. It clears the transaction.
The advantage is we can see the account in 3 ways.
1) If we select open items payable Eg.Salaries and Wages.
2) If we select cleared items :paid Eg.Rent and bank
3) If we select all items: Payable + paid
The same way we use for vendors and customers and also.
Vendors X A/c
Bank – For 1 100 1 1000
Bank –For 2 200 2 2000
Bank-For3 300 3 3000
Bank for 4 400 4 4000
Bank for 5 500 5 5000
Bill wise out standings we can see for vendor.
We can have tolerances (payment differences). It can be amount tolerance or percentage tolerance or both it can be debit amount or credit amount.
Outstanding expenses A/c
Salaries 500000
Rent 15000
Bank 15000 Wages 100000
Bank 100000 Commission 100005
There is difference of Rs.5 in the account for commission which need not be paid.
We can difference tolerances.
Group Amount percentage
A 100
B 5%
A) We have to assign tolerance group in account –in outstanding expenses A/c we have assigned tolerance group A
B) At the time of making payment system checks
Provision 100005
Payment 100000
Difference 5
If the difference of Rs.5 is within tolerance group amount. i.e.100 system will clear the provision and transfer to sundry balances written off account at time of making payment.
1. Tolerance group is given at account level and not at the transaction level.
Outstanding expenses A/c.
Diff to give
Salaries 500000 200
Bank 15000 Rent 15000 15
Wages 100000 500
Bank 100000 Commission 100005 100
2. There is not flexibility amount percentage tolerance group.
A 100
B 5%
C 0
Outstanding Expenses A/c.
Salaries 500000
Bank 15000 Rent 15000
Wages 100000
Bank 100000 Commission 100005
If we give tolerance group A in outstanding expenses account if the difference is less than tolerance group amount and transferring sundry balances written of account automatically.
When we give tolerance group C instead of A in outstanding expenses account.
Outstanding expenses A/c.
Bank 100000 Salaries 500000
Bank 15000 Rent 15000
Bank 100000 Commission 100005
Provision 100005
Payment 100000
Difference 5
Not payable payable
Transfer 5 Now Rs.100000 as part payment
To sundry balances off a/c and clear the transaction.
This is mandatory area.
Tolerance Group Amount Percentage
A 100
B 5%
Bank C 0
Instead of crating group C - keep the filed blank and give amount zero.
While creating 1000 GL accounts, Vendor accounts and customer accounts.
Keep tolerance group field blank, system expects we have created blank
Tolerance group and already assigned.
For our company code: we are creating bank tolerance group wit amount zero so that no need to assign.
Tolerance group while creating the accounts.
Path :SPRO – Financial accounting – General Leger Accounting –Business transactions-open item clearing –clearing difference- Define tolerance groups for G/L Accounts
Company code : AML
Tolerance group :Blank
Description :Tolerance group for AML
Debit posting :0
Credit posting :0
Debit percentage :0
Credit percentage :0
Select your request and press enter and save in your request.
Tolerance group for employees.
User wise upper limits for posting
Tolerance Group A B C
100000 100000 10000000 Amount per document
100000 100000 10000000 Amount per open item
account item
0 5 10 Cash Discount
0 0 0 Payment Differenced
We have 1000 users distance – we have to create 1000 scenarios (short cut method)
Accounts Dept:
1. City office cashier
2. Factory cashier
3. Branch cashier
4. Account 1 A
5. Account 2
6. Deputy Manager Accounts B
7. Manager Accounts
8. DGM Accounts C
In live environment / training institutes
SAP User AML A Blank
SAP User XYZ Use only A
SP user ABC Use only A
Path: SPRO-Financial Accounting –General Ledger Accounting –Business transactions – Open Item clearing - Clearing differences – Define tolerance groups for employees.
Select new entries button
Group : Blank
Company code : AML
Upper limits for posting
Amount per document (Maximum Amount 9999999999)
Amount per open item account item 9999999999 cash discount per line item 10
Permitted payment difference : Blank
Press enter to save in your request.
Path :SPRO-Financial accounting -Financial accounting global settings-Company code-Enter global parameters
Select position button
Give the company code :AML
Select company code :AML
Select details button (F2)
Select business area financial statements check box
Select propose fiscal check box
Select define default value date check box
Select negative posting permitted check box
Select addition data button
Company code : AML
Business Area : HYD BGL
Business place :City factory City office Factory
Permanent Account No. (PAN) – At company
Code level(Form 49A) 10 Digits Alpha numeric code
Tax Deduction at Source No (In SAP TDS No. / TAN) Form 49B -10 Digits alpha numeric code
At company code level / business area level / at business place level
(GIR No.: General Identification Number)
Select back arrow, then
Press enter to save in your request
Negative postings:
In case of reversals if we select negative postings check box it reduces from the same side.
In SAP, when we post a wrong entry, we can’t change the document. We have to go for reversal or pass rectification entry.
1. Equity share capital receipt:
Cash account Dr 400000
To Equity share capital 400000 Doc.No.1
2. Preference share capital receipt:
Cash account Dr 100000
To Equity share capital 100000 Doc No.2
3. Equity Share capital Dr 100000
To Cash account 100000 Doc.No.3
4.Cash Account Dr 100000
To Preference share Capital 100000 Doc No.4
3. Equity share capital Dr 100000
To Preference Share capital 100000 Doc.No.3
Account No.100000 Ledger summary
Company code AML
Fiscal year 2008
Period Debit Amount Credit Amount Balance Cumulative Balance
6 100000 500000 400000 Cr 400000 Cr
7 -100000
1 2 3
Cash flow statement Reversal without selecting negative postings Reversal by selecting negative postings Rectifications
Opening cash and bank balances
Add: Inflows Equity share capital
Preference share capital
Less:Out flows Equity share capital
Closing Cash and bank balances
wrong 0
correct 0
To check transport request::
Path: Tools – ABAP work bench-Overview-Transport Organization (Tr.Code :SE09)
Select find request (Ctrl+F)
Find company code (Ctrl+F)
Double click on define company code
1 2 3
Chart of Accounts level Company code level Centrally
1 GL Account Number Account currency
Chart of accounts fields
2 Company code Only balances in local currency
3 Account group Tolerance group +
4. Whether it s P & L Account Line item display Company code fields
5 Whether it is a Balance Sheet A/c Open item Management
6. Description
a) Short text – Max 20
b) Long text –Max20 Sort key
Field status group
Accounts to be created:
1. Surplus in P & L Account – Reserves & Surplus
2. Equity share capital – Share capital
3. Cash account –current assets, loans & advances
To check accounts groups for giving account numbers.
Path: SPRO – Financial Accounting – General ledger accounting – GL Accounts –Master Data- Preparations- Define Account group (Tr.Code:OBD4)
Select position button
Give your chart of accounts AML
Reserves & Surplus 100100-100199
Share capital 100000-100099
Cash account-current assets 200100-200199
1. To check account-Group for giving account numbers.
2. Creation of General
Path : Accounting-Financial accounting –General Ledger-Master records –GL Accounts-Individual Processing –Centrally (Tr. Code is FS00)
Give the GL account 100100
Company code AML
From the menu select -> GL Account create
Account group: select reserves & surplus
Select balance sheet account radio button
Short text: surplus in P & L Account
GL Account Large text: Surplus in profit & Loss Account
Select control data tab
Select only balances in local currency in check box
We have
Tolerance group: Blank
Select line item display check box
Short key select 001 posting data
Select create / bank / interest
Field status group G001 General (with text, allocation)
GL Account :100000
Company code : AML
Select with template button
GL Account :100100 (Surplus in P & L Account)
Company code : AML
By mistake save button
Your can not save
Change account group to Share capital
Select balance sheet a/c radio button
Change short text to equity Share capital
Change GL account long text to Equity share capital
Other filed common select save button
GL Account 200100
Company code :AML
Select with template button
Give the GL Account 100100 surplus in P & L account
Company code : AML
Change account group to current assets, loans & advances
Change short text to Cash account
Select balance sheet a/c radio button
Change GL account long text to Cash account
Select create / bank / interest tab
Change filed status group to G005 bank accounts (Obligatory value date)
Select relevant cash flow check box,
Select save button or Ctrl+S
To view the accounts created
Select drop down button beside GL account
Match Code:
Give the company code : AML
Short text : At the time of entry
GL account long text : At the time of General ledger display
Posting of transactions
Path: Accounting – Financial Accounting –General ledger –posting –General posting (Tr.Code is F-02)
Posting transaction :10/07/2008
Document date : In case of purchases document date will be party bill date- we can enter manually 30.09.2008 or select F4- It gives calendar and select F-2 – It selects today’s date .
Posting date : Ledger updation will be based on posting date period will appeal automatically based on
Posting date : 30.09.2008
Reference :Party bill No.
Doc No :1
Normal cases
Document date (F4) :30.09.2008
Posting date: will come automatically this is server date.
Type :SA
Company code :AML
Currency : INR
System does not know debits and credits to differentiate between debit and credit SAP
Has given posting keys
Posting key 40 GL account Debit
Positing key 50 GL Account Credit
Posting key: Select 40
Account select the drop down button
GL long text :*Cash*
Company code : AML
GL Account : Z*
Select account No.200100
200100 Cash account – Filed status GRP-G005
Text Business Area Value date Required
In enter global parameters select define default value date check box
Amount :400000
Business area :AMLH
Text : Equity share capital receipt
Posting key : Select 50
Account select drop down button
Give the company code AML and press enter
Select account :100000 Equity share capital
Press enter
Amount enter :*(star)
Note: * (star) Means debits and credits equal
Cash A/c Dr 500000
To Equity 300000
To Preference *
Business area :AMLH
Text Enter : +
‘ + ‘(plus) mean copies the last line item narration in the same document.
Salaries A/c Dr 100000
(Salaries provision for Sep.)
Wages A/c Dr
(Wages provision for Sep.)
To outstanding Exp
We can not use *
Press enter
From the menu select document simulate (Shift +F9)
In one document we can have 999 line items.
Debit will be posted without any assign and credit amount will be posted with minus sign.
Select save button or Ctr+S
We get a message document 1 was posted in company code:AML
How to view the last posted document 1.
From the menu select document display.
Select display document header button or (F5)
Display document
Path: Accounting – Financial accounting – General ledger-Document –Display (Tr.Code:FB03)
Select document list button
Give the company code :AML
Document type :SA
Select executive button (F8)
To view last one week posted document 24/09/2008 to 1/10/2008
Select execute button
To view self (documents posted by us)
Select own documents only check box
To view documents posted by a specific user
From the menu select –> Edit –> Dynamic –> Selections (Shift +F4)
User name :SAPUSER
Select execute (F8) button
Double click on document no.1
Change document :
Path: Accounting – Financial Accounting –General ledger-Document –Change (Tr.code is FB02)
Document No. :1
Company code :AML
Fiscal year :2008
Double click on first line item cash account
We can change only value date filed assignment filed and text filed.
Account display:
Path: Accounting – Financial Accounting –General ledger – Account – Display balances ( Tr.code is FS10N)
To view more than one account transactions select multiple selection button beside GL Account no.
We want to view random account numbers transactions.
Press select single value tab.
Give the account no.100100
Select copy button
To view continuous account numbers transactions
Press select intervals tab
Low limit :100000
Upper limit :100099
Select copy button
Account no.100050
To exclude an account from the range
Select exclude single value tab
Singe value : 100050
Select copy button
To exclude a range of accounts :select exclude intervals tab
Low limit :100050
Upper limit :100059
Select copy button
To view only one account
Select drop down button beside GL Account
Give the company code :AML
Select account no.100000 Equity share capital
Company code :AML
Fiscal year :2008
Business area :AMLH
Select execute (F8) button
Double lick on cumulate balance amount
Double click on document No.1
Select call up document overview button (F9)
Select back arrow (F3)
Document Number Posting date Text Amount
1 100000
2 200000
3 300000
Total Amount 600000
We can create our own line layout
How to create our own line layout:
Select change layout button (Ctrl+F8)
Select the filed which are not required
Select right arrow or hide selected fields button
From hidden fields column
Select posting date
Select left arrow show select fields button change column positions
Column Pos Length
Document No. 1 10
Amount in local currency 4 20
Text 3 35
Posting date 2 10
Change text length 35 characters for amount in local currency select total check box
Select copy button
How save the layout:
Select save layout button (Ctrl+S)
Option 1 Option 2
Common to User specific
A) Deselect user specific Check box A) Select user specific check box
B) We have to save with any number or name B) we can save will any number or
Layout : / AML
Deselect user – specific check box
Description : Standard layout for AML
Select save button
Select back arrow two times
Double click cumulate balance amount
How to choose our layout:
Press select layout button (Ctrl+S)
Select : AML
How to make default line layout:
From the menu select settings – layout - Administration
Keep the cursor on /AML
Select define default setting button
Select back arrow three times
Give the account no.200100 cash account
Execute (F8)
Double click on cumulative balance amount
Hold Document:
It is a temporary document
This is user for adjustment purpose or at the time of posting we do not know either debit or credit.
This document can be deleted there is no tracking for this document.
A) Loans to Directors
Create as hold document an once he gives money back delete the document.
B) Payment to a party –purpose of payment we don’t know
Cash balance = Account balance +/ Hold documents
Hold documents will not update records
1. Run a program called “RFTMBLU” for conversion of hold documents
2. Creation of hold documents
3. Delete / complete hold documents
1. Run a program called “RFTMBLU” for conversion of hold documents
Path : Tools – ABAP Workbench- Development –ABAP Editor (SE38)
Program : give the program name :RFTMBLU”
Select execute button
Select no. termination for read error check box
2. Creation of hold documents
Use the transaction code (F-02)
Document date : Today date
Type :SA
Company code: AML
Posting key :50
Account no. :200100 (cash account)
Give the amount : 5000
Business area :AMLH
Text :Amount paid to Mr.X
From the menu select document hold
Tem parry document No. :AML
Select hold document button
We get a message document AML was held
Give the document date: Today date
Type :SA
Company code :AML
Posting key : 40
Account 200100 (Cash account)
Give the amount 20000
Business area :AMLH
Text : Hold document testing
Posting key: : 50
Account no.: 100000 (Equity share capital)
Amount enter :* (Star)
Business area : AMLH
Text :+
From the menu select Document –> Hold
Give the temporary document no. 123456 (give any number)
Select hold document button
3. Delete / Complete hold document (F-02)
Use the transaction code f-02
From the menu select
Path :Document – Get held document –Select document list button
Keep the cursor on document number 123456
Select delete button
select yes button
select back arrow (F3)
select document list button
Keep the cursor on document no. :AML
select choose button
Give posting key :40
Account no. :100000 Equity share
Amount Enter :*(Star)
Business Area : AMLH
Text :+
From the menu select document –Simulate and save
Park Documents :
This is used for approvals Cashier
Enter the document he will park in the system Informs to SR person approval SR person he can make changes to the document form amount / Date / head of account before release
Accounts will not be updated And release document
Account will not be updated Once he release the document will be posted and updates records
1. Posting of packed document by cashier
2. Informed to Sr. person for release –Be cashier
3. Display packed document and change date and amount
4. After change, inform to Cashier about approval
5. Display changes to packed document
1. Posting of Packed Document
Path : Accounting – Financial accounting – General Ledger- Posting-General document parking (F-65)
Give the document date : Today date
Document type : SA
Company code : AML
Posting key :40
Account :200100 (Cash account)
Amount :9999
Business area : AMLH
Text : park document testing
Posting key: :50
Account :100000 (Equity share capital)
Amount enter : *(Star)
Business area :AMLH
Text : +
From the menu select – Document – Park document
2. Informed to Senior Person for release
From the menu select system –>short message
Give the title : Please release Doc.No.3
Receipt user id of Senior person (sap user)
Recipient type : Select SAP logon name
Select express mail check box (Screen down right side)
Select send button (Shift+F8)
From the menu select system –> Create session
4. Display packed document and change date and amount
Path :Accounting –Financial accounting – General ledger-Document – parked documents- post / delete (FBV0)
Select document list button
Give the company code :AML
Enter by user ID :Cashier
Execute (F8)
Double click on document no.3
To change the date
Select document header button
Change document date and posting date to 5.10.2008
Select back arrow
Select fast data enter button
Change amount 6000 Debit
6000 Credit
Select back arrow
From the menu select document post
Inform to cashier about approval
From the menu select –System –>Short message.
Title document no.3 released
Recipient User Id of Cashier
Recipient type
Select SAP logon name
Select express mail check box
Select send button (left side upper)
From the menu select system –> Create session
4 .Display changes to packed document
Path: Accounting –Financial accounting – General ledger-Document - Parked Documents-Display changes (FBV5)
Company code : AML
Document No :3
Fiscal year :2008
Select all changes button
Sample document:
This is used for month end provisions
Salaries A/c Dr. 100000
Rent Dr 50000
Wages Dr 500000
To outstanding 650000
Create a sample document and store in the system every month by coping sample document number and by changing date and amount we an post the provisions we will not forget any provisions.
1. Create 3GL masters
A) Salaries A/c Personnel cost
B) Rent A/c Administration
C) Outstanding expenses – Current liabilities & Provision
2. Difference no.range interval for no.range X2
3. Creation of sample document
4. posting of transaction by copying sample document
To check account groups for giving account numbers. The transaction code is OBD4
Select position button
Give the chart of accounts : AML
The personnel cost is 400100-400199
Administration range 400300-400399
Current liabilities & Provision range is 100500-100599
Creation of GL masters (FS00)
Give the GL Account 400100
Company code :AML
Select with template button
Give the GL Account 100000 (Equity share capital )
Company code :AML
Change account group to personnel cost (Staff cost)
Select P & L statement radio button
Change short text to Salaries A/c
Change long text to Salaries A/c
Other fields are common
Select save button or Ctr+S
GL A/c No: .400300
Company code :AML
Select with template button
Give the GL account :400100 salaries
Company code :AML
Change account group to Administration
Change short text to Rent account
Change long text to Rent account
Other fields are common
Select save button or Ctrl+S
GL Account :100500
Company code :AML
Select with template button
Give the GL account :100000 (Equity share capital)
Company code : AML
Change account group to Current liability & Provisions.
Change short text to Outstanding express
Change GL Account Outstanding express
Select control data tab
Select open item management check box
Define no. range interval for no. range X2:
Path: SPRO – Financial accounting –Financial accounting global settings – Document – Document number ranges- (Tr.Code is FBN1)
Give the company code :AML
Select change intervals button
Select interval button
No. range :X2
Year :2008
From number :500001
To number :500100
Enter & Save
Ignore the message press enter
Creation of sample document
Path: Accounting – Financial accounting – General ledger - Posting – Reference documents – Sample document (F-01)
Document date :30.09.2008
Posting date :30.09.2008
Type :SA
Company code :AML
Posting key :40
Accounting :400100 (salaries a/c)
Ignore the warning message ,press enter
Amount :500000
Business area : AMLH
Text : Salaries provision for the month
Posting key: :40
Account :400300 (Rent account)
Account :75000
Business area : AMLH
Text : Rent provision for the month
Posting key: :50
Account no. :100500 (out standing exp)
Amount enter : *
Business area :AMLH
Text : Provision for the month
Select save button or Ctrl+S
We get a message document 500001 was stored in company code : AML
5. Posting of transaction by coping sample document : F-02)
From the menu select document post with reference.
Give the document no. :500001
Company code :AML
Fiscal year :2008
Select display line items check box
Change the document date :31.10.2008
Posting date :31.10.2008
Ignore the warning message press enter
Change the amount to 600000
Text :Add October (Salaries for the month of October)
Amount :0
Line item having zero will not update records
Ignore the warning message
Amount enter :*(star )
For text : Add October
From the menu select document simulate
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Month end provisions:
Option 1: Option 2
Accrual / Deferral document Open item management
Option 1: Accrual Deferral document
31.10.2008 Salary provision
Salaries Dr 100000
To out standing 100000
01.11.2008 reversal next month 1st
Outstanding Dr 100000
To Salaries 100000
05.11.2008 Payment of salaries
Salaries Dr 105000
To Bank 105000
Salaries A/c
31.10.2008 100000
05.11.2008 105000 01.11.2008 100000
Outstanding Expenses A/c
31.10.2008 100000
01.11.2008 100000
Profitability effect::
For October 100000
For November because October 5000
Option 2: open item management
31.10.2008 Salaries provision
Salaries Dr 100000
To out standing 100000
05.11.2008 Salaries payment
Out standing Dr 100000
Salaries Dr 5000
To Bank 105000
Salaries A/c
31.10.2008 100000
05.11.2008 5000
Outstanding Expenses A/c
31.10.2008 100000
01/11/2008 100000
Profitability effect
For October 100000
For Nov. because of October salaries 5000
Companies follow 1st option (other than year end)
In case of option 2 – the person who makes the provision is accountant and the person who is making the payment and clearing is Cashier - Cashier has to track the provision and clear against the provision.
Option 1: Accrual / Deferral document :
1.Creation of reversal reason and reversal reason should allow us to reverse on any day.
2. Enter accrual / Deferral documents
A) Rent Provision 08.10.2008
B) Salary provision 31.10.2008
3.Reversal of accrual / deferral documents in one step
1.Creation of reversal reason and reversal reason should any day.
Path : SPRO- Financial accounting –General ledger accounting-Business transactions –Adjustment posting / Reversal - Define reason for reversal
Select new entries button
Reason :11
Text : Real / Deferral Reversal reason for AML
Select neg. posting check box
Select alternative position date check box
Select save button or Ctrl+S
Save in your request
If we do not select alternative posting date check box
Salaries Dr
To out standing
System will allow you to reverses only 31.10.2008
We want to reverse next month 1st select alternative posting date check box
Rent provision:
Path : Accounting – Financial Accounting – General ledger –Periodic processing – Closing – Valuate- Enter Accrual / Deferral Document (Tr.Code is FBS1)
Document date : Today date
Type :SA
Company code : AML
Reversal reason : Select 11
Reversal date :1.11.2008 (next months)
Posting key :40
Amount :400300 (Rent A/c)
Amount :50000
Business area :AMLH
Text : Rent provision for October
Posting key :50
Account no. :100500 (out standing exp)
Amount : *(star)
Business area : AMLH
Text :+
From the menu select document –>Simulate and save
Salaries provision:
Tr.Code is FBS1
Document date :3110.2008
Posting date :31.10.2008
Type :SA
Company code :AML
Reversal reason :11
Reversal date :01.11.2008
Posting key :40
Account :400100 (Salaries A/c)
Ignore the warning message press enter
Give the amount 100000
Business area AMLH
Text :Salaries provision for the month of October
Posting key 50
Account :100500 (outstanding exp.)
Amount : *
Business area :AMLH
Text :+
From the menu select document –> Simulate and save
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- Trainer SAP FICO
- Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- B.Jyotiraditya,Head-Project,G-9 Prime It Solution,FICO Certified Consultant, has been working as Sr.Sap fico consultant and corporate trainer since 9years.Mr.Jyotiraditya also formed sap forum which is opened for all sap and non sap professionals to share their experience.